Saturday, August 29, 2020

Our Obligation To Defend Our Lives...and the Lives of Others

Another 2nd Amendment story today, this one from novelist Jack Carr at entitled Our Obligation To Fight. Carr starts by setting the table:
Over the past few months, shocking videos have surfaced of drivers getting surrounded by violent mobs of people, many times armed with blunt instruments and firearms. Citizens have been pulled from their vehicles and savagely beaten. A 9-1-1 call surfaced from a mother trapped in her car with a small child inside, rioters hitting her windows and climbing on top of her vehicle. In the chilling audio recording, the emergency operator tells her, “We can’t do anything” and “We would suggest you call up city hall to let them know about your frustrations.” At least one person was shot in their car, their forward progress arrested by demonstrators. The recent riots confirm that “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.” If authorities do arrive, it will be after the fact. Despite their best efforts and intentions, police respond to criminal activity and will not be there beforehand to defend you from a violent attack.
Politicians protected by 24/7 taxpayer-funded armed security details also ironically want to defund the police and take our guns, actions that are the height of hypocrisy. The rest of us need to stand ready as our own quick reaction force. We are dealing with the most sacred of all gifts, the gift of life. As citizens it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and the lives of our loved ones. In fact, that is our primary obligation.
Every life is unique and precious. The Left wants us to be cogs in a machine; undifferentiated and infinitely replaceable. That is why they use the word "masses" to refer to people in groups, and that is why they dress in uniforms. As the Left thinks, we are in fact replaceable because the for the Left, it is a material world. They claim to want everyone to have an equal amount of stuff. But as the Founders thought, and as I believe, while someone else may be able to do my job as well as or even better than I can, the fact is that my life is not replaceable. It is not replaceable to my wife, my daughter or grand kids.  Life is not merely the physical stuff of which we are made, but there is a spiritual component as well.

Of course, that is for a different day. 

 Now if someone other than God, who gave you your life, attempts to do you harm or kill you, you have the right, indeed, the obligation to defend that life. The assailant, of course, has a unique and precious life as well.  But he has placed his life in mortal danger by attacking another person.  Those who would riot, loot, and murder others over such events wish to cloud this simple fact.  The assailant has placed his own life in mortal danger.  He should not have done so, and whatever happens is on him.

Jack Carr closes with this:

You may have seen the memes floating around that say, “Wait until those who just want to be left alone get involved.” As with any good joke, the best memes have an element of truth. Those who served the country in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and a multitude of other hot spots around the world, who saw friends die or forever maimed by an IED or sniper’s bullet, those people are out there. They know combat, and they are not going to let a mob surround their vehicle and pull them, their spouse, or their child from the car. They are not going to go quietly and allow themselves to be beaten to death without a fight. These are people who have a very close relationship with violence. They are highly trained, and they are prepared. They just want to be left in peace to pursue their dreams and raise their families. If you happen to run into them and try to take their lives, well, you better bring your A-game.
“This is the law. The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.” –John Steinbeck
Be safe out there. Use good situational awareness, but stay prepared.

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