Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Masks as Conditioning You To Obey

 I've got a lot to do today, but let me point you to a post at  the American Thinker by Peter Skurkiss entitled Face Masks As A Form Of Conditioning If there is one thing about the mask mandates that sickens me the most, it is this:

Face masks are ubiquitous. In most state, a person can't go into a store, a barber shop, a hair salon, a church service, or most any other place without wearing one. Why? Masks are not effective in stopping a virus spread. Back in March, the now highly touted and nationally heralded Dr. Anthony Fauci thought "people should not be walking around with masks." He said wear a mask if it makes you feel better, but unless you're sick or a health care provider, masks are ineffective in stopping a virus.
Fauci was not alone. In April, the World Health Organization echoed the same sentiment. It said healthy people don't need to wear face masks and that doing so won't provide added protection from the coronavirus.
If you accept the premise that ordinary facial masks are ineffective against viral infections — which I do and for which there is ample evidence — what then is their purpose? It appears more and more likely that it is a form of conditioning — that is, getting people used to obeying the so-called experts. If you follow the matter, you know there is no shortage of high-level scientists who say masks (and lockdowns) are ineffective. Yet per the powers-to-be, these scientists do not qualify as "experts" worthy of being heard because they disagree with the party line. Hence, the public does not get a balanced view on masks from the mainstream media...or on social media.
There is a long history of civil disobedience in America, and we need more people to begin to defy these mask orders. It is not doing anything good for our health or society to simply cave to authority.

1 comment:

  1. In Kommiecticut, the simple bandana tied into a kerchief is acceptable. It is wide open on the sides and bottom. Please tell me how that is supposed to prevent the spread of an airborne virus?

    It doesn't. It is just political Kabuki Theater and conditioning of the Sheeple. I tie it around my neck, and that is where it stays 99% of the time.
