Sunday, October 11, 2020

Why Marxist Are Compelled To Destroy Christianity

 If you are not actively religions, you may not realize it, but Marxism (whether Communism, Socialism, Fascism, or Progressivism) is compelled to destroy Christianity and Judaism.  What you may not realize, is why?  Today, at the American Thinker Judith Acosta has a compelling article answering the question of Why Communism Is Compelled To Destroy Christianity Ms. Acosta uses Communism to represent Marxism, but she could have used any of the other isms that have grown up around this execrable philosophy.

Marxism denies man's spiritual nature.  Whereas man is a spiritual being living in a material existence,  Marx would have each of us equally poor and miserable without the comfort of a loving God. Take a look at how he describes people as "masses," as if we are interchangeable cogs in a machine instead of unique creations.  Indeed, Marxism is such a hollow existence, so bereft  of any thing beyond the physical, is it any wonder that these people are perennially unhappy and unsatisfied?

Ms. Acosta describes eight deceptions that the Marxists use to break down and destroy the Church and the Christians' spirit.  To list all the deceptions and their explanation would violate the fair use doctrine, but let me at least point out a couple that are particularly relevant today: 

Deception #3

In communism, death, disease, and poverty would be completely avoidable if the state just provided the proper programs, mandated vaccination, utilized the government for food distribution, provided abortion on demand, etc…
This deception is profoundly destabilizing, because there are very few of us who are not frightened by disease or easily provoked to insecurity, social or fiscal. What would you give up for “safety from discomfort/illness?” Whatever you would give up—your liberty, your ability to see your friends’ faces, your privacy—in exchange for this false security, it will be a contract with the devil and you will lose because death is coming for you even after you sign the dotted line. The communist agenda has no drive train without your fear. If you believe that there is a Divine Plan and there is nothing to be afraid of, they have no power. They cannot allow that.
And in the next two deceptions, she points out that Marxism promotes the lie that government can keep you young, sexually active, and safe if you just surrender. But these, like all the other deceptions, are lies. Yesterday, I encountered a fellow member of a group I belong to, that hasn't met in person since the end of March of this year. The members were, of course, duly frightened by the Covid-19. In all fairness, what we knew about the virus, or maybe it was what we didn't know, suggested caution was in order. Then the Governor came out with his lockdowns and mask mandates, which continue to this day.  
All of this disruption of our lives was done because of a fundamental belief on the part of Leftists that government was what would save us. All we had to do was surrender... But the truth is that lockdowns and masks are largely ineffective. Sweden did not lock down its economy, yet their numbers are better than some who did lock down. As far as masks are concered, the tupical cloth mask is full of holes that let virus particles through as if one was not wearing a mask. Surgical masks are not much better. They are ill fitting, and most people do not know how to wear them. If someone is walking around with a surgical mask not covering their nose, it surely is not doing anything. But even if someone wears a surgical mask correctly, virus particles exit with each breath. Moreover, the virus is dangerous to some, but not for most of us. Better than 99% of us will survive it.

Still, all these things must be continued because for them to admit that their useless prescriptions destroyed peoples lives for nothing would be too devastating to their cause.  Not that they are the least concerned about things like people's lives.  As Lenin is reported to have said, to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs.  It is a cold and heartless attitude.  But the breaking of eggs has been a hallmark of Marxist regimes since they first showed up.  Everywhere it has been tried, instead of the promises made, hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered.

Please go read all of Acosta's article.  Also consider who you would rather live under: a just but merciful God, or an unjust and capricious Marxist regime.  Personally, I will take the God of Creation every time.

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