Saturday, December 5, 2020

Until We Have Faces Part 2

 Today, at the American Thinker Fay Voshell has an excellent article entitled Dehumanizing Americans that fits in with my previous post, Until We Have Faces. But, it is even more powerful. She makes the point that as Christians, we must resist the current Covidianism, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, and the attempt to silence us, as well as the attempt to keep us from worshiping the Creator of the everything that is, and everything that is not.  Without revealing the entire article, allow me to quote from the end of the essay:

How can we counter the trend that dehumanizes the peoples of the world?
For Christians as well as for devout Jews, the answer is found in the concept of human beings as created in the image of God, the Creator of all that is. Every individual life bears the imago dei and is invaluable in the sight of God. So we regard our fellow human being as like ourselves, as the Great Commandment transcending any laws of a Great Reset states. Life has intrinsic meaning because of Who authors, preserves and redeems humans.
In that Great Commandment lies the rationale for resistance to a tyrannous and dehumanizing Great Reset that would be essentially mass conversion through force.
Those with eyes to see and ears to hear take note.

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