Thursday, December 10, 2020

You can not reason a person out of a position into which he did not reason himself

Selwyn Duke has an article today to explain to us conservatives that The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past. Mr. Duke is, sadly, absolutely correct. We conservatives tend to respond to logical arguments, whereas the Left is animated by emotions and feelings. This fact makes them vulnerable to cognitive dissonance, the holding of two opposite beliefs at the same time. 

Cognitive dissonance is explained because each issue triggers outrage, without reference to the other issue. For example, Leftists are outraged over attempts to save the unborn because they "feel" that a woman should have control over her own body. (Interestingly, they did indeed have control over their own body, but chose to have sex with the person who impregnated them.)  So, they are all in favor of killing innocent unborn children until just after birth. Yet these same people are also against the execution of murderers, even when the perpetrator of such an act is not in dispute. These two beliefs therefore make them in favor of executing the innocent but not the guilty. Clearly this does not pass the test of logic, but this is not a problem for Leftists.

Duke writes:
“People who cannot be reasoned with can only be fought.” It’s an age-old truth, one good people ignore at their own peril. It too often is ignored, though, since good people are mostly reasonable and, in accordance with man’s nature, engage in projection. They thus assume that others are as reasonable as they are.
So, then, why bother writing columns? Why bother providing well reasoned arguments, if those arguments fall on deaf ears? But Duke makes the point that he is not writing arguments to convince the Left. The Left can not be convinced, can not be reasoned with. Instead, he is writing to preach literally to the choir, to buck up the often weak kneed with ammunition, and to convince those in the middle who may be open to our side. That is what Rush Limbaugh has been doing for 30 years as well. In validating conservatives' thoughts, he reminds us that we are, if not the majority on every issue, a significant minority on all of them. More importantly, we learn that we are not alone, that in fact a lot of us thing the same way.

But, what does all this mean. How to we conservatives treat Leftists, their ideas, and in some cases their "laws?"
So how should we regard vanguard leftists, the Machiavellian destroyers of civilizations? How can you be prepared for them? Well, pretend you’re dealing with Satan.
You can view this purely as a thought exercise if you’re non-religious. But know that the enemy — and that is what leftists are — is above nothing and beneath contempt. They will say anything and do anything to achieve their ends, which they believe justify the means; no lie is too great, no theft too grand, no contradiction too bold, no sacrifice of life too unpalatable. Moral relativists/nihilists to the core, they have boiled their behavioral guide down to: “If it feels good, do it.”
Conservatives must accept this hard reality and avoid the aforementioned instinctive, very human but in this case deadly habit: projection. This is when you ascribe your own mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. But vanguard leftists aren’t like you. As with the Devil, they can’t be talked out of their passions or reasoned out of their malevolence. They are as aliens — and they do not come in peace.
In a saner world, people could talk things out, seeking that ethereal common ground called Truth. But morally nihilistic leftists scoff at absolutes and have thus turned themselves into glorified animals, driven by their base instincts and consuming freedom, virtue and goodness like demonic locusts. They won’t stop until they are stopped, and if people cannot talk things out, they are left to fight them out. And our leftists are ensuring that we cannot talk things out.
The reality is that if the United States were a marriage, there would have been a divorce long ago. Leftists are as alien to more traditional people as a race of aggressive, invasive extraterrestrials, and they’ve made coexistence impossible.
Please go read the whole article. Start thinking about how you might resist, what things you can do where you are now. Pray on it, for sure, but understand that it ultimately is in His hands. We must all be on His side in this. Understand that God does indeed love each of his creations, including the Devil. He loves them so much that he is willing to let them go if that is what they desire. The Left has shown that they do not want to be with God. Therefore it is up to us to resist and to harden our hearts against everything the Left stands for. Sound harsh? Go read your Bible. God doesn't punish people, but he does let them suffer the consequences of their actions.

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