Monday, October 11, 2021

Someone Will Have To Pay For Vaccine Mandates

 Scott Morefield today has an excellent article that should be considered by all who are disturbed by vaccine mandates, entitled Covid Vaccine Mandaters Should Be Criminally Culpable For All Vaccine-Related Injuries. Yes, Trump, unwisely I think, gave the pharmaceutical companies immunity, he didn't give anyone the ability to force others to take the vaccine.  I personally decided to take the Phizer vaccine after studying the issue.  But I did not know that the protective value of the vaccine would wear off within 6 months.  Will I take the booster?  I am not likely to do so.

But Morefield's point is that when one's job, and livelihood, or his ability to go about life in general is threatened, is it really a matter of personal choice? This doesn't just go on the head of Biden and administration officials. Certainly governors, and CEOs and heads of companies are equally at fault here for requiring people who understandably don't want to risk the vaccine over a virus with a 99.875% survival rate, to get one anyway.  This virus is no more deadly than the flu, and should be treated like the flu. We can never get rid of it, sorry to say.

As I’ve stated many times, it would be one thing if this were a super deadly disease, if the vaccines produced far significantly fewer side effects than these do, and if they actually were sterile, eliminating contraction and transmission. If there were another smallpox-like disease, for example, with a 30% fatality rate and a readily available vaccine that eliminated it, I suspect Congress and the president would have zero trouble passing a nationwide vaccine mandate instantly, and that it would hold up in court. You know, a real law rather than color of law and obscure regulations and leaning on private businesses to do their dirty work for them. What’s more, they probably wouldn’t have to, because 99% of Americans would probably be lining up and begging for the shot.
But sadly, none of that is the case here, is it? Instead, we’re stuck with a product that is showing itself to be increasingly inferior week by week. Already, the fact that Pfizer’s vaccine wanes significantly after just 6 months has made national news, and I suspect that’s just the tip of the coming iceberg. Given this shoddy performance, nobody in their right mind has any business forcing or coercing anyone else to get a potentially dangerous jab that only provides limited protection for the individual receiving it for a few months at best. It’s absolutely insane, yet it’s where we are right now. And please, don't insult my intelligence by saying people aren't technically being "forced" into taking the vaccine. When you threaten people's livelihoods, their ability to travel, and even their right to function normally in society, you are for all intents and purposes "forcing" them to acquiesce to your demands.
Should employees who suffer adverse side effects after being coerced into taking the shot by their employer claim worker’s compensation? Absolutely they should, and they generally will be on solid ground. But it’s deeper than that. In a just world, someone who causes someone else’s death, even indirectly, would face serious civil and even criminal penalties. In a just world, people forcing this shot on others who are then seriously harmed or killed would face a Nuremberg-style trial followed by swift justice after a guilty verdict. Am I saying that Covid vaccine mandaters should face prison time for their nefarious acts, which also include willingly and maliciously denying early treatment and cheap and easily obtainable medications to Covid sufferers until they are literally in a hospital bed on death’s door? Absolutely and unequivocally, yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.
CEOs who are doing the governments dirty work should be concerned, because someone eventually will bring a suit. That suit will land in a court that observes the Constitution, and will find the CEO guitly. Someone will have to pay.

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