Sunday, October 3, 2021

Turns Out Dogs Prefer Meat. Who Knew?

It isn't often that the problem with Leftists and their crazy ideas becomes quite so obvious.  They believe things that we know are not true.  They believe, and act on the belief that men can become women, and women can become men just saying it is so (and of course whacking off a few body parts.)  Lately that have brought up that old idea that all society's problems can be solved by taxing the rich.  But if they confiscated all the money of every rich person, it would only last a few months.

Yesterday, at the American Thinker Thomas Lifson had a must see post entitled Saturday Schademfreude: Prog things she can change nature, suddenly (and hilariously) discovers she can't.

Progressives are by their very nature contemptuous of the natural order of things. Everything can be improved by their superior intellects. By virtue of the purity of their motives and the advanced understanding we have these days, they can impose policies that violate human nature and, they think, prevail. The Marxists are explicit in their promise that communism will create a "new man" (now updated to read "new person"). Self-interest would no longer operate in the communist utopia that would follow the supposedly transitory period of "dictatorship of the proletariat." "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Never mind who chose to lay about and who chose to work hard...
Voluntary vegetarianism is not necessarily disastrous or even contrary to human nature (if you just ignore those specialized canine teeth that we come equipped with for ripping animal flesh prior to grinding it up farther back in the mouth). But it does require great care to supply all the essential nutrients and, in my observation, often leads to unfavorable outcomes. A highly educated young woman very close to me found a cure for many physical and psychological ailments when she gave up the vegetarianism that she had picked up from her environment of educated, affluent school and workplace associates.
But if you want to practice it, I have no objection and wish you all the best in maintaining your health. But the problem with progressive zealots anxious to impose their superior understanding on others is that "voluntary" means nothing to them. Those who oppose them stand in the way of progress, and that's a sin, especially to people who don't believe in God or Natural Law.
So, you may be wondering, where is Lifson going with this. Well, it seems that a woman of the Progressive variety in Britain, thinks that she can train a dog against that dogs nature. She wants to show as a dog that prefers to eat a pile of broccoli rather than meat.  The results are hilarious.  As has been noted since Biblical days, the real world doesn't answer to human will.  It is what it is.  But you can see for yourself.  Watch

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