Monday, October 4, 2021

The Tyrants Can't Win if We Don't Surrender

An excellent article, which I encourage gentle readers to read, by John Green at the American Thinker is They Can't Win if We Won't Surrender. The American Revolution was won for a number of reasons. One of them was that the British Empire was distracted by war with France. Another was that France saw a chance to push the thorn in deeper by supporting the Americans. But the fact that General Washington kept a fighting force together, in the field, and wouldn't give up was the final nail in the coffin of the British colonies. Winston Churchill held the same view, when he gave his famous speech "Never, never never, give up."

Green is worried that too many conservatives are too ready to surrender. But in Green's view, we have the stronger position, and we should press the advantage.
Next to the Vichy RINOs, the “America is finished” crowd are the Left’s favorite conservatives. They have tired of the fight and bought the propaganda. They’re ready to give up.
But the reality is very different than the narrative that’s being peddled. Via their propaganda ministry they’ve used deception to win a couple of elections. Obama was supposed to heal our racial wounds -- he poured salt in them. Biden was supposed to return us to normalcy -- he burned down everything that was working. They’ve been lying to us, and now we know it. Propaganda only works as long as it’s credible, and theirs no longer is.
The Left is at its weakest position of the past 15 years. The Democrats have only tenuous control of the legislative branch and they’re spending more time fighting with themselves than actually passing any legislation. Let’s not forget the leadership of their party. President Asterisk is perhaps the most corrupt, inept occupant of the White House we’ve ever had -- and we’ve had a few real losers. Under his leadership, the Democrat party looks like the final scene of Thelma and Louise -- with Gropey Joe at the wheel. They seem determined to drive off the cliff with enthusiasm.

Green even has an interesting take on the Covid virus. He think it is a gift from God. In our current Lectionary, we are reading Jeremiah. Jeremiah could have used an editor, but looking at the events of his day, I can't help but think that indeed Green may be right.

God gives us many gifts which are not immediately recognized as such. I believe COVID-19 was one such gift. The pandemic was the alarm that wakes us up before the building burns down around us. It gave us a glimpse of a future without liberty.
Autocratic orders
Draconian restrictions
Unequal treatment under the law
Fraudulent elections
Blatant disregard of the Constitution
Thankfully, COVID gave us a taste of tyranny on the cheap. America didn’t become a Cuba or Venezuela to experience it. The pandemic has shown us how important and fragile liberty is. I’ll never take it for granted again. I suspect a great number of patriots feel the same way. We’re seeing an awakening all across America. It’s starting to go beyond CRT protests and anti-Biden chants. BLM is even protesting the vaccine mandate! I’ll bet the Left didn’t see that coming.
John Green doesn't say it quite as explicitly, so I will. What those ready to surrender to the left lack is faith in God and His power to act in the world around us, and in spite of us. Some clearly don't believe in God.  Some have no faith that He will act to bring about His purposes. In any case, perhaps Green has been given the same advise I was; that one should not be so...religious...if one wanted to influence more people. I have concluded that that advise was hogwash.

But an author who writes even more explicitly than I do is Austin Ruse, in his new book Under Siege: No Finer Time To Be A Faithful Catholic. Ruse points out that the situation today has parallels throughout the history of the Church. We have been persecuted before, and with more vigor than we are experiencing in America. How would you like to be thrown to the lions as the Roman Christians were? Or to be crucified as many Armenians were by the Ottoman Turks. The fact is that the so called atheistic Left is not atheistic at all. They have their own pagan religion: the State. But the State is human and therefore fallible. Our God, the God of Creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are eternal and infallible. Ruse is like a prophetic voice that says if we remain steadfast, we can not lose.

Ruse, at the end of his book gives us some things we can do, depending on our calling. Some people are called to be the spear point, but not all, or even most. There are many things you can do to resist. Some of them are like sticking a pointing stick in the eye of the Left, such as flying the flag. You know the sight of the flag causes their blood to boil. And while you may not be able to stand in front of an abortion clinic and protest, you can send a check to those that do.

(As an aside, Students For Life of America is one such group.)

We are in a war for the soul of America. Make no mistake about it. It is, for now a cold civil war. But there can be no doubt that as events have shaken out, there are now two opposing sides. One side desires Tyranny. The other side desires liberty and freedom. It has, sadly, ever been thus. But the tyrants can't win if we won't surrender.

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