Thursday, March 21, 2024

Pray for Those Duped by Islam - But Don't Condone What They Do

 If you, gentle readers, have been around for a while, you know my feelings on Islam.  You know that I have said on multiple occasions that whoever Muhammad was supposedly listening to in that cave, it was not an angel from God.  I have even put it more forcefully, that Allah is the devil himself.  But it seems I did not know the half of it.  But Sha'i ben-Takoa tells us the rest of the story in an essay at the American Thinker entitled Exploding the Myth that Islam Is an Abrahamic Religion.

The author states the purpose of his essay right from the start:

The Gods of Political Correctness dictate that all religions are of equal worth; that there are “…three great Abrahamic religions,” and “The Arabs are Semites too, so they can’t be anti-Semites.” All three of these sacred cow clichés need to be slaughtered on the altar of truth.

I won't go into the idea that all religions are of equal worth. A look at say, Buddhism, where the notion is that the individual goes through many lives eventually achieving nirvana, or god like being, clearly contradicts with Judaism and Christianity. Both can not be correct. Clearly, one is correct and the others are all false. Chose wisely. Now as to the other two...

While Christianity and Islam are both offshoots of the Jews and took from them the concept of having one’s own holy writ, their self-definitions as new faith communities were radically different. The Koine Greek language narratives that Christians append to their version of the Hebrew Bible purport to be a continuation of Jewish history. The Catholic Church even defines itself in Latin as Verus Israel, the True Israel.
But Muslims do not claim this. On the contrary, the Koran plagiarized many of the stories in the Hebrew Bible but always with changes, and when a Muslim is asked to explain the different versions of the same stories, he will say the Jews stole them from Islam.
When asked to explain how this theft happened since the former text came into the world in the year 1313 BCE at Mt. Sinai and the latter over 2,000 years later, in the late 7th and early 8th centuries, the Muslims say that Musa (the Arabic mispronunciation of the Hebrew name Mosheh) brought the Koran down from Mt. Sinai—not the Torah as the Jews believe. And then, down below, the evil Jews snatched it away from Musa and re-wrote it and called it their Torah. When Muhammad came along, he restored the original text, today’s Koran.

No wonder no one is not allowed to question any part of Islam or put it to critical scrutiny. In contrast, Paul tells us to test everything and hold onto what is good.  Only a wide-eyed moron could believe such a tale as Muslims tell.

As for the cliché that Islam is an Abrahamic religion, this is a head-on collision with the Biblical text. The greatest authority on what is Abrahamic was Abraham himself, who accepted that he had to expel his first-born son Ishmael from his family, community, and country because he was not at all “Abrahamic,” like his father.
To Jews, Abraham was the kindest man in the world, which is probably why God chose him. For the religious revolution that Abraham ignited (ethical monotheism) was not only the concept of one God but a kind God—versus the capricious, cruel, and often immoral gods in pagan pantheons.
Islam is not Abrahamic because Ishmael was, as the Bible prophesies, a “wild ass of a man,” a normal physical male but with the spirit of an undomesticated jackass. And indeed, the behavior of Muslims throughout history and certainly in our time reveals them not to be the progeny of a kind man, for they are masters of cruelty, being head-choppers, mutilators, and skyjackers, with a particular appetite for raping and the satanic torture of women.
Their Allah smiles on mass murder and no less the glorious sacrifice of oneself, viz. suicide. Islamists are totalitarians who license themselves to murder anyone who ridicules their idea of a prophet, with the very idea of a prophet also pilfered by them from the Jews.
As for the cliche that Arabs are Semites, no, they are Hamites. Yes, Muhammad was an Arab descended from Ishmael, one of Abraham’s eight biological sons, but Judaism also makes clear that Ishmael was not his father’s spiritual heir. Ishmael is expelled (Genesis 21:9) from his father’s Promised Land for his antediluvian propensity for violence. His expulsion at age sixteen came about when he jealously mocked his little half-brother Isaac at the latter’s weaning party. Then, Isaac’s onlooking wise and perceptive mother, the Matriarch Sarah, who had watched Ishmael grow up, realized he was capable of murdering her son after her aged husband’s passing. For that, he had to go.

Gentle readers should read the whole article as it has many bones to pick with Islam, by one who is necessarily close to Islam and understands it well. In his last paragraph ben-Takoa says that Islam should be outlawed in America. I agree in principle, but feel that doing so would overturn First Amendment jurisprudence, leaving Christians equally vulnerable. Besides, you can outlaw something, but you can not change a man's heart. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. Therefore, pray for the poor souls duped into Islam by the devil, but don't condone what they do.

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