Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Myth of Cassandra

 In case any gentle reader was not aware, this is Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday, when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem, and Easter, the day He rose for the dead, thus triumphing over sin and the devil.  Unfortunately, I have had a cold, which will not go away.  Mrs. PolyKahr caught cold as well.  Besides that there are a number of things that need fixing around Stately PolyKahr Manor.  Bottom line, I have not had a lot of time to post.

But I got to thinking (never a safe thing to do) and it seemed to me that posting here has taken an outsized amount of my attention over the years.  I started this blog on the eve of Obama's first election, warning people that Obama was a Marxist and would usher in a socialist transformation of America.  At various times I have thought this transformation would go full communist, and other times I have thought it would be communism's kissing cousin, fascist.  I am now convinced that we are in the final push to turn our Constitutional Republic into a fascist state, with all the attendant crushing of any dissent that goes along with fascism.  Gentle readers will know those horrors if they have studied the Second World War.

Along the way, the so-called "elites" will not do away with our Constitutionally protected rights, they will just ignore them and dare the citizen to stop them.  Thus, the fascists are violating Bruen right and left, with so many infringements that the Supreme Court cannot keep up.  In this, they have the help of many federal judges, state legislatures and Congressmen.

But it is not just the Second Amendment.  They are neutralizing ALL the amendments.  Do you think housing unknown, unvetted illegal aliens in your home is not an attack on the Third Amendment?  They mean to leave us no room for dissent, not even the space between our ears.

In all this, I have come to feel like a modern day Cassandra, destined to prophesy the future, but never to be believed.

Therefore, I may not be posting as much in the future, hoping to spend what time I have left on more profitable things such as enjoying my family, work and church relationships. But I will leave the blog posts up for reference by gentle readers, and as a way to continue to get news from sources outside the lamestream media. And I will highlight special articles, though perhaps without comment. In fact, here are two from the American Thinker that are good reads:

The first is by D. Parker entitled Exposing the 'Nobody wants to take your guns' lie. I don't think my erudite readers would fall for such, but it's good to have confirmation that it is a lie. The second is by J. B. Shurk entitled Globalism Thrives on Crisis. Actually, all government does that. As H. L. Mencken observed "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." That and keeping you occupied with trivia like bread and circuses.

Gentle readers are urged to read both articles, and of course, to keep your powder dry. Meanwhile, I will be around.

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