Saturday, July 4, 2009

Restraunt Carry in Georgia

David Hardy over at Of Arms and the Law has a link to the Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner article by Ed Stone entitled One Year Anniversary of HB89 Arrives Without Dire Consequences. Here's a quote:

Sometimes it is helpful to remember what people like this say, especially when it is being repeated the next time a new piece of legislation is introduced. At what point do honest, logical people cease paying attention to it? At what point do we cease to ascribe the motivation for such speech to innocence and honestly good intentions? With one year of experience behind us involving hundreds of thousands of Georgia firearms license holders, any detached observer would have to conclude that these people have now lost all credibility by making such outrageous claims and predictions.
Indeed. But they never do. The gun grabbers continue to make wild predictions of blood in the streets which never comes true, but then another State takes up the legislation and low and behold, the same people are at it again, and nobody ever calls them on it.

Here in North Carolina, we have had similar bills several times, only to have them bottled up in committee by the anti-gun "Representative" Deborah Ross. Ross ran unopposed this last time, so she doesn't feel the need to know...."represent" the people. While States all around us seem to have no problem with carrying a gun into a restaurant that serves alcohol, as long as the person carrying doesn't drink it, Ms. Ross seems to feel that we in North Carolina are made of less stern stuff. Of course, criminals carry in restaurants and everywhere else. Things don't change because the only folks Ms. Ross is disarming are the ones who follow the law in the first place. You see, gun control is all about control.

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