Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sarah Palin

I have largely stayed out of the story that Sarah Palin has resigned, largely because I did not really know. I saw it on Fox News on Friday, where the story trumped everything else. Like many I was initially shocked, but realized after her explanation that it was necessary to take herself off the target list to keep from being totally swamped by these reckless claims. Being Governor of Alaska is not supposed to be a suicide mission. Of all the things I have read, and I have read some outlandish theories as to what she might be up to, Douglas MacKinnon's article at today strikes me as being most plausible. Palin resigned, I believe, for the reasons she gave in her resignation speech, plain and simple. But what caused the deranged attack on her can not be understood simply as political. According to MacKinnon, the truth is uglier than that, far uglier. Take a look.

Sarah Palin is the reason I voted for a presidential candidate at all last year. McCain is no conservative, except in the addled minds of the Left, where anyone who shows any decency at all is suspected of being "Conservative." Romney is also not a conservative. Michael Steele is proving to be another statist liberal in conservative clothing. Indeed, it is looking more and more like the party truly doesn't matter, we will get more Statists no matter which party we elect. Sarah Palin appeared to break that mold.

Was she experienced enough? Well, she had more experience than "The One." Did she know enough? As we are learning, she knew as much, or more than "The One." People keep saying that although she is smart, her "judgements" are not "right." What do they know that I don't? Her instincts surely were better than "The One's."

But now she has taken herself "off the market" so to speak, and I for one, mourn her loss. I believe she would have been a good leader in a movement lacking leaders at the moment.

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