Monday, July 20, 2009

Obamacare: Three Lies

From the New York Post today comes Perils of Obamacare: Three Big Lies by Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute. I recommend you take a gander at it and see if you think Obama lying, or just plain incredibly naive.

One of the points Obama makes is that "quality will improve." When has anything that Government does been either high quality or particularly efficient? Think of the Post Office, or the DMV. If they could run a health care service that provides high quality, wouldn't the Veterans Administration hospitals be the best in the world? But the fact is they are not that good. I understand that the Senate Bill specifically exempts Senators from having to go on Obamacare. That fact tells me all I need to know about how good Senators who wrote the bill think Obamacare will be.

Hint: Not very good.


  1. The old maxim used to be that the government would deliver health care with the efficiency of the Post Office and the compassion of the Pentagon prices. I see no reason why that assessment should be modified.

  2. As always, you say it more elegantly than I can, Fran. I suspect the "Curmudgeon" would too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

