The War on Guns: Backpedaling on the New 'Assault Weapons' Ban
Apparently Holder let the cat out of the bag early, and Pelosi is not ready yet to have that revealed.
Bill To End State Gun Bans
4 hours ago
The truth has no agenda-Glenn Beck. They also serve who only stand and wait-John Milton
This may seem a complete non sequitur to people frantic about the disappearance of a trillion dollars down a rabbit hole. But that money isn’t spent yet. The 2010 elections could change things dramatically. But throwing the hypocritical spendthrift bums out of Congress (and they wrote this bill, not Obama) is dependent upon American’s access to truthful information. This, for the moment therefore, is the most critical fight.
Rick Santelli's now infamous "rant" on CNBC proves my point. It was the first sign of hope I’ve seen in months. And I am not alone (if the 1.7 million hits to CNBC’s website are any indication). Santelli tapped into a huge and powerful vein of public sentiment Mary Kate Cary in U.S. News and World Report called Santelli’s opinion, “the elephant in the room.” (Now there’s an image message-seeking Republicans should be able to relate to.)
Mr. President, we both know that this new effort at regulating speech is
not about diversity but conformity. It should be rejected. You've said you're
against reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, but you've not made it clear where
you stand on possible regulatory efforts to impose so-called local content,
diversity-of-ownership, and public-interest rules that your FCC could
It looks like those who said the Obama Administration would strike while the iron is hot may have been correct, and the Administration may be doing it in a way that does not require them to even get a vote in Congress. In this morning's edition of the Shooting Wire, Jim Shepherd writes that Canadian officials have it on "good authority" our State Department may be on the verge of cutting off all imports of certain calibers of ammunition.
And to everyone who voted to enslave the freest people on earth...
I curse you. 48% of of your countrymen curse you. Future generations will curse you. Your own descendants will curse you.
Mr. Price:
I am opposed to all public policy elements of H.R. 45.
am opposed to:
...passing a written examination to purchase a firearm.
...releasing medical records -- including confidential mental health
records -- to the Attorney General.
...submitting to a two day waiting
period to exercise my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
...paying a fee of $25 or more to exercise my Constitutional right to
purchase a firearm.
...creating a national database with all firearms
and firearms owners registered by serial number with the Federal Government.
...a Federal ban on all private firearms sales.
...all increases
in penalties for clerical errors related to this national firearms registry.
Please take these thoughts into account if HR 45 should come before you
for a vote, or if these provisions come up under some other legislation. From
the nature of the legislation, it looks as if the goal is to trip up anyone who
makes a purchase, or currently owns a gun, and decrease ownership generally by
scaring the timid into believing they can not own a weapon without tripping
themselves up. If that is indeed the purpose, it is hardly worthy of the Federal
Government. If not, then what is the purpose? Whatever it may be, the law
abiding people of NC are not the problem, and playing a "gotcha" game with us is
not going to help.