Saturday, September 22, 2018

The simple pleasures of hamburgers

On September 20,, Kurt Schlichter went ballistic on the liberal tendency to ruin whatever they touch, including hamburgers.  You can find the article at and entitled Liberal Elites Are Even Ruining Hamburgers, And They Must Be Stopped. I like where Schlicter's head is, being a burger aficionado myself. The humble hamburger, which is supposed to be composed of a ground beef patty, with various condiments and served on a bun, has not improved in value or taste, but its price has gone through the roof. Various restaurants claim to make "gourmet burgers," but these consist of plain, unseasoned, meat with strange additions that somehow don't improve on the original. But let Kurt tell it:
Millennial elitist dorks are all about screwing up burgers. “Gourmet” burgers, they call them. But they are a sad simulacrum of true burgers, and a crime against nature. The menus of those precious gastropubs that spring up in the gentrified blue coastal urban centers are loaded with “specialty burgers” with cutesy names and inane combinations of ingredients. It’s sad. Unable to create anything of value, these goateed hipster monsters can only pervert and deform that which is pure and beautiful. A burger is simple goodness. And, as they do with everything else, liberals screw them up.
Of course, you should read the whole thing, preferably over a good burger. But the real point, besides venting some spleen, is that Schlichter believes the Republican Senate should grow a pair, stop eating those artificial things they call burgers, and put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, now. The fact that Feinstein held on to this until the 11th hour should have been proof enough that there was nothing to it, like a vegan burger.  I might be sympathetic if it had not been overused by the DemocRats to attempt to "Bork" other appointees, including Clarence Thomas.  This is par for the course for the DemocRats, and therefore should just be ignored.

Going back to someone's high school days to find dirt is a new low, even for these crap weasels.  What is next, finding out that Kavanaugh put Sally's pig tail in the ink well in elementary school, thus scarring her for life?  Or worse yet, that he cried while his mother changed his diapers?  Shocking!  Just think about this, too: had Kavanaugh had a real record of breaking the law at age 17, his record would be sealed and we wouldn't be allowed to look into it.

In an effort to "be fair" Senator Grassley has given Ms. Blasey Ford and entire week to come in and give testimony to the Committee.  He even offered to send a team to collect her testimony from her.  It has all been rebuffed.  In fact, Blasey Ford appears not to remember too many details of the supposed encounter.  She doesn't remember when it happened, or at whose party or house it was,  These are things she should know, assuming she herself was not too intoxicated to know what was going on, or who was doing it.

I could not agree more with Schlichter on both hamburgers and with Judge Kavanaugh.

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