Monday, June 3, 2019

Do the People Work For Government, or Does Government Work For the People?

Today's post comes from where we find an excellent explanation, not only of the original reasons for the Second Amendment, but also its relevance to the average American today. The article is entitled Second Amendment Makes Clear: Americans Are Not Subservient to Government-Part Two by Roger Kate. As this is only Part 2, I urge readers if they have time to read Part 1 and Part 3. All are excellent and the arguments made in these articles should be in every patriot's ammo bag.

I will not quote the entire article, since I am a poor scribe, and Kate himself is a far better wordsmith. However, to give the reader a taste of what you will encounter, allow me to quote:
Thus, Collectivists relentlessly attack the notion of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. They are adamant in their refusal to accept the idea that the right of the people to keep and bear arms exists– or is even capable of existing–independent of Government authorization.
But, there is reason why Collectivists refuse to countenance the notion of the right of the people to keep and bear arms as fundamental, natural, and immutable, quite apart from their rejection of natural law. To the Collectivist, an armed citizenry is an inherent danger to Society. As the Collectivist theorizes, a safe and secure society is one under absolute Governmental control, one under constant supervision and surveillance. So Collectivists remonstrate not only against the existence of an armed citizenry but against the right of unconstrained freedom of speech and freedom of association. And, they attack the basic idea that the American citizen has an unalienable right to be secure in their person and possessions from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Collectivists place their sole faith and trust in Government, not in the citizenry. They presume that the citizen cannot be trusted. Contrariwise, the founders placed trust in and their faith in the individual, a sentient being endowed with an immortal soul, by a Divine, Loving Creator. For the founders, it is, then, Government that should not, and cannot be trusted. Thus, the founders designed and implemented a Constitution establishing a Government of limited power, authority, and reach; incorporating into the Constitution, a Bill of Rights, setting forth an expansive set of fundamental, natural, and immutable rights and liberties to be retained solely by the people, in the people themselves, beyond the power of Government to diminish or abrogate.
If you also get to part 3, you will also encounter this:

But, it is tyranny that Cuomo and Swalwell want, and it is tyranny upon the American people that the American people will most certainly get, if Cuomo and Swalwell, and others like them, prove successful in foisting on the American people, a vision of the world at odds with the vision of the founders and one the founders sought to cement through the creation of a system of checks and balances in Government; and through incorporation into the Constitution–the blueprint for the new Nation they had conceived–a set of natural, fundamental, unalienable rights: codified in a document called the Bill of Rights.
But, if the Collectivists' vision for this Nation takes root, Americans will see the realization of that vision decimate all that our founders created and that so many in our Nation had given their lives to preserve. As a dense thicket of weeds overtakes and squeezes out a carefully planted and tended garden, we will see all that our founders held dear smothered and blotted out.
The fundamental question is do the people work for the government, of does the government work for We the People. Our government is designed to work for the people. The people are sovereign, and lend some of the enforcement of their rights to government.  But if the socialist come to power, all of that will be destroyed. Our faith is in God, their faith is in government. As these rights are from God, we need to defend them at all costs.

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