Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kamala Harris Wants To Harass Gun Owners

Kamala Harris, as you may realize, has made gun control a central part of her campaign to be President.  She has said she would enact her policies by executive order if Congress fails to act.  However, John Lott has an article that points out that Kamala, Your Gun Policies Wouldn't Have Stopped Aurora over at Townhall.com.  The title of Lott's article stems from Harris's use of the seventh anniversary of the attack on an Aurora, Colorado theater to push for more gun control.

Unfortunately for Harris, Lott is correct. Most criminals obtain the guns they use by illegal means. They don't buy them from a dealer, and they don't get them at gun shows. They buy them from the black market, or they steal them, or the have a straw buyer who can do so purchase the weapon for them.  Background checks, however, only affect purchases made at a legal dealer, to include gun shows.  Therefore background checks would only affect law abiding citizens.  Frankly, this is nothing more than harassment and intimidation of people who are totally innocent of the crime.

Meanwhile the fact that mass shooters target so called "gun free zones," or what I call target rich killing zones, is beyond question.
Colorado was by no means the only time that killers targeted gun-free zones. Just this year we have seen all the attacks in gun-free zones: in a public employee-only area of a Virginia Beach municipal building; a business in Aurora, Illinois; and a Florida bank. Just seven mass public shootings since 1950 took place where at least four people died in an area where general civilians are allowed to have guns, and it was not part of some other crime.
Gun-free zones are a magnet for those who want to kill many people quickly. Even the most ardent gun control advocate would never put “Gun-Free Zone” signs on their home. Let’s stop finally putting them elsewhere."
Please go read Lott's article. He is right. Gun free zones, whether in schools or work places have made Americans less safe, and empowered those sick individuals that believe they will become famous by killing others. (If you wonder why the Democrats have the reputation of supporting criminals, here is just one reason.) If Democrats want to control crime, getting rid of gun free zones, including schools would be a good start.

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