Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Shroud of Turin Exists For Me

The Shroud of Turin has been one of many interesting topics I follow on a opportunistic basis.  What do I mean by "opportunistic"?  I mean that I do not seek them out, but when I come across them, I do read about them.  So, when Myra Kahn Adams publishes articles at, on the Shroud, I readily read them for the latest news. Today, Adams has posted an interesting article entitled Why Does the Shroud of Turin Exist? In the article, she answers the question:
And my response is simple: The Shroud of Turin exists because HE exists. An answer that echoes what God said to Moses, “I Am Who I Am. Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14).
It turns out that the many Townhall readers who commented about not needing the Shroud’s “physical evidence to underpin their faith,” represent a large swath of Christian believers. I learned this when asking Russ Breault— my fellow Shroud exhibit team colleague, and a world-renowned Shroud expert and speaker — if he had experienced similar attitudes after over 30 years of hosting his popular “Shroud Encounters” to sell-out crowds.
Breault replied:
“I get that statement all the time! When someone says, ‘I don't need the Shroud for my faith,’ I usually say, ‘That is fantastic! But that doesn't mean the Shroud was not meant for someone else.’ ”
You never know when something someone says will give you a greater understanding. I am one who has often said that I do not need relics or other physical evidence; that my faith is enough. But the truth is that I am like the father of the child with an unclean spirit in Mark 9:24, who said "Lord,I believe; help my unbelief!" It is the cry of any rational adult who does not any longer believe in magic. For anyone who has studied the laws of nature for any amount of time, there can be no breaking of these laws. And yet, I see miracles happening all the time. People are changed by their faith in Jesus. How to explain it?  Our God is an active God, intervening in the lives of everyday ordinary people to bring about His will-not mine, and not yours. 

The Shroud of Turin exists, throughout the centuries, and despite the harrowing events it has endured, for me.  Sometimes I, like Thomas (doubting Thomas) need a little bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Hod has set many evidences of His existence before us. Some are large and obvious, others are small and discreet. I suppose the point here is it matters not only the level of one's faith but where they are on any given day in that we may waver as response to circumstance.

    I think that rather incredulous since where one comes to know God, that their faith cannot dissolve even in those most awful times during our earthly existence. In fact, is it not said that we shall know suffering and trials? And did He not promise to not forsake or leave us? I think of my most terrible times, when I was so bitter and angry that I curse His name. Yet I my faith that He exists was as solid as any other time. Anyway, I can speak only of myself, I suppose there are people who drift in and out of faith even though I can hardly comprehend that.

    I am making the distinction between having faith but myself diminished rather than my faith itself being diminished. Even in the midst of my despair I was thankful (in my heart) for His presence all the while bitter at Him (in my head). My faith, His love, ere not lessened.

    I suppose what I have written may seem neurotic. I think it only tells of the human condition and the hope given to us.

