Monday, July 29, 2019

What the Anti-Gunners Want To Impose On You

While the Gilroy, CA tragedy is certainly closer to home, and in a state with everything the Brady's want and more, we do not yet know enough to comment on it. Instead, let's go to New Zealand, where the NRA tells us that for anti-gunners, its never enough at Ammoland. The NRA notes that:
In he and Ardern’s press release, Nash is quoted as stating, “Owning a gun is a privilege, not a right.” This is incorrect. The right to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and is therefore inherent to all people and not dependent upon a government for its existence. Governments may fail to recognize the right, but have no power to eliminate it.
Of course, Nash, who is one of New Zealand's elite, thinks the way he does because he is allowed to possess a gun. But how would he look at peoples' rights if he were one of the "commoners?" He wants to treat the people who pay his salary as peasants, who are only allowed to have a gun for self defense if they are good little boys and girls and toe the elite's line.

Nash is wrong.  The right to defend oneself is granted to all human beings by Our Creator.  Further, he is wrong because the people he wants to disarm are the people who pay his salary.  Would the master of a house be less well armed than his servant?  Such a master would be a fool!

Go read  the entire article, to see what the atti-gunners want to impose on you.

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