Sunday, November 10, 2019

Now That The Lie Is Out Of The Bag...

The Mason-Dixon line has moved.  Virginia has become a blue state, and it is rare for a blue state to turn red again.  I am saddened more than I can say.  Oh, You Bet Virginia Democrats Are Putting Gun Rights In The Crosshairs according to Matt Vespa at Go read the whole article.

We used to travel to Northern Virginia because, of course, we have friends who live there. We took our guns. Naturally. But I never crossed into Maryland. Virginia was American occupied America; Maryland, not so much.  But now, Virginia has fallen. Already, the roads are suffering. Infrastructure is failing, as it always does in blue states. And of course, the new Democrat majority will go after guns. Of course. Leftists don't want anyone who might be able to dissent. They absolutely want to tell you how to live, how to spend your money, that is what money they will allow you to keep. They want to tell you what to eat, what medical services you can get, and when you are no longer of use to them. they want to tell you to go home and die.

Which brings us to The Nazism Of Democrat Gun Control by Rich Logis and Scott Newmark at The American Thinker. Once again, let me point out that Fascism is an ideology of the Left. Whereas Communism is an ideology featuring state ownership of the means of production, Fascism doesn't try to nationalize industries. Rather, Fascism leaves the owners in nominal ownership of the industries. Instead, like the mafia, Fascists become not so silent partners, telling the owners what to make, and how to make it, how much, how many people to make it with, and where and to whom they can sell it.

The authors make the point that the Democrats and the Nazis have much in common. Like the Nazis before them, the Democrats have been hiding behind the lie that they really didn't want to take away your guns. They just wanted to make society safer by taking guns out of the hands of certain "at risk" people. Except, of course, that somehow each step along the way the solution has always fallen on the legal gun owners, rather than on the criminals.
The unholy matrimony between the Democratic Party and the Nazis has long been documented. What's utterly shocking is how little Americans know about this history. The Democratic Party is America's original hate group, and Democrats were Nazis before the real Nazis existed. Just like today's Democrats, the Nazis were also anti-white; in Germany's case, the expendables were those deemed to be the weaklings in the pursuit to resurrect a mythological pure Aryan race. The Third Reich's basis for the Holocaust was the belief that certain racial and biological traits made one inferior or superior as a human being. Sound familiar? "I voted for Obama because he's black"; "I voted for Clinton because she's a woman."
. ...and...
After Kristallnacht, what did Hitler say was the justification? Confiscation of illegally owned guns, in response to the assassination of Nazi diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a 17-year-old German-born Polish Jew living in Paris.
In his 1971 book Rules for Radicals, Chicago community organizer and Obama and Clinton hero Saul Alinsky coined the phrase "the issue is never the issue."
This is exactly what Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, Reich minister of propaganda of Nazi Germany, employed in their post-Kristallnacht propaganda. Their "issue" was revenge for vom Rath's death, but the actual issue was disarmament of a population they intended to murder or enslave.
You would think that with the Democrats being willing to literally confiscate guns, legally bought and paid for property, that the Republicans would be as staunchly pro-gun as the Democrats are anti-gun. But no, many Republicans as at best squishy on gun rights. Remember that the right to keep and bear arms was written into the Constitution as the Second Amendment. Yet most Democrats, and not a few squishy Republicans want to violate your Second, First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, and they see nothing wrong with doing so. It is as disturbing as it is Un- American.  Oh, and the Supreme Court can be unreliable when it comes to gun rights.
With a year to go before Election Day, we implore you to respectfully correct your politically like-minded friends, relatives, and associates who don't believe that the "it" in "it can't happen here" isn't here. In America, the "it" is alive and well; gun registries and confiscations are but two of the myriad methods Democrats will employ to take our children, money, and freedoms.
You may not want to hear that, but you need to hear it.

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