Sunday, June 14, 2020

Another Leftist Undone By Facts

Cam Edwards, at the website Bearing Arms has an excellent article detailing the many uses of the Second Amendment by black Americans defending their lives and their property throughout the history of this country. It also, indirectly, puts the lie to the BLM protests and the Antifa riots and looting. For, what Edwards' article points out is that guns are inanimate objects, not capable of moral agency. The thing that tells us whether a gun is used for good or evil is whether the person wielding the gun intends evil or good. Edward' article can be found at Academic Rewrites History To Portray The 2A As "Tools Of The Oppressors."
Guns are inanimate objects. Wielded by an oppressor, they can be tools for oppression. Wielded by the oppressed, they can be tools for self-determination, individual liberty, and the fundamental right to life. Scofield’s warped history of the Second Amendment has room for villains, but no room for heroes like John Fletcher, who defended his new home from a mob shortly after he moved into an all-white neighborhood in Detroit in 1920, or Leola Blackmon, who protected her home in Carroll County, Mississippi from cross-burning Klansmen in the 1950s with the help of her 16-shot Winchester repeating rifle.
Once again, the problem is not guns, but people, and their sometimes bad intentions. If this world were indeed Heaven, we wouldn't need guns at all. Indeed, we also wouldn't need police, or government, or laws. In Heaven, we will all be perfectly aligned with God's Will.  But until Christ comes again, like the Good Shepard to call his sheep to his side, we will need guns.

Edwards points out a number of cases of black men and women who used guns to defend themselves and their families from people intent on harming them.
According to Scofield’s point of view, Leona Blackmon, John Fletcher, Fannie Lou Hamer, Hartman Turnbow, and countless others who exercised their Second Amendment rights in self-defense should have been advocating for gun control laws instead. Never mind that those laws would have likely been used to disarm them while their white neighbors kept ahold of their arms with a wink and a nod from law enforcement. Ida Wells was apparently wrong when she said that the Winchester repeating rifle deserved a place of honor in every black home as an anti-lynching tool. Based on Scofield’s view of history, she really should have encouraged her readers disarm themselves instead of arming up to fight back against the lynch mob.
Scofield has it all wrong. Her Leftism and and her post modernism create an essay in which facts don't actually matter; what matters to Scofield is the narrative of oppressors versus oppressed. But the facts are that guns are just tools. like screw drivers or saws. Whether they are used to aggress against life, or to defend it is entirely a matter of human agency. And facts are stubborn things, which is why Leftists have chosen post modern criticism. If facts still mattered to them, they would acknowledge the Truth.

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