Tuesday, June 16, 2020


The City of Raleigh is considering an ordinance that will require the wearing of masks in the city if in public. No doubt they will cite news reports, that in turn cite studyes that say that masks make a difference. But as pointed out in in this piece from the American Thinker there is very little scientific support for the efficacy of wearing masks in preventing Covid-19. Furthermore, i reject the idea that we should be trying to prevent the spread of the disease. After all, it we don't allow the disease to spread, we will never achieve "herd immunity" and thus we will be wearing masks forever. Which may be the point.

The real goal of wearing masks, huddling fearfully at home, and other recent innovations in our behavior is to force us to conform.  The CDC itself doesn't believe these things help, but they figure the public needs to "do something" and like so much our elites cram down our throat, the "do something" seldom helps the situation, but the Karens stop squawking for a little bit.  Please note, however, that forcing everyone to behave in the same way is classic fascism.  It is definitely not in the American tradition, which allows each person to decide these things for himself, or herself.

But, as Rush Limbaugh (may God preserve him) noted yesterday, there has been remarkably little pushback on this nonsense from conservatives.  Specifically, the pushback should be coming from our Republican politicians.  Rush rightly noted most of us are not leaders.  That is not a criticism, but a fact of life.  Without a leader leading the charge, most of us feel like the lone voice, crying in the wilderness.  And of course, that is exactly what the mainstream media want us to feel.

Which brings us to another post at the American Thinker by Dex Bahr entitled Where is The Republican Pushback. It's not just the rioters and looters, who damaged the Lincoln Memorial that have forgotten our history, but Republican politicians seem to have forgotten it too.

As a reminder, Lincoln was the first Republican President. It was Lincoln that published the Emancipation Proclamation, ending slavery. Indeed, the Republican party was established as an abolitionist party, and should be the natural home of every black American. Why they so often side with the very party that enslaved them, that put in place Jim Crow laws, poll taxes, that created the Ku Klux Klan as its military wing to enforce its segregationist ideology, is a mystery to me.
For a party that was formed to oppose the spread of slavery, today’s Republican Party seems perfectly content with allowing the expansion of leftism.  With the exception of President Donald Trump, conservative pundits and a handful of Republicans, there has been no pushback against the left’s onslaught.
The left, led by the Democrat Party, has launched two major offenses in the ideological war for the culture in this country and all conservatives get from the Republican Party are daily texts asking for campaign donations. Republican politicians, by and large, stayed silent during the Wuhan Virus lockdown and have done so again during the George Floyd tragedy. They have missed opportunities to rightly condemn those on the left who have exploited both crises for political gain.
Where are the Republican political leaders calling out the Democrats for their outright pandering to the black community with this insane desire to defund the police? And why aren’t they challenging the whole absurd notion of systemic racism? How come the only national voices spotlighting the Democrats’ effort to keep candidate Joe Biden sequestered have come from conservative pundits? I have not heard a single Republican leader pointing out the declining mental faculties of Mr. Biden. You can bet that if Biden were a conservative Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and liberals you have not even heard of, would be fighting to get camera time daily to criticize and slander.
While we are in a civil war, I don't think it will be one of armies clashing with armies. Oh, there will be skirmishes, and the smart thing will be to be armed and prepared all the time, what we will need is political leadership, and that leadership will need to be able to fight just as dirty as the Left does. Only, we woun't have to give up principles to do it. Why? Because when the Left accuses us of waging a war on women, we know they are actually waging such a war. And when they accuse us of racism, we know they are actually the racists.  Rather than being afraid of being called racist, we should point out their actual racism...each....and...every....time.
Conservatives understand that we are in the midst of a civil war declared by the left. We had grown tired of being led by a bunch of timid George McClellans in the presidency (Gerald Ford, the Bushes) and wanted more bold Ulysses S. Grants, as exemplified by Donald Trump, who are not just unafraid of the enemy, but are willing to take the battle to the enemy.
I believe that a great many conservatives are more cognizant of the lack of support Republicans have shown the president. Hopefully, it has become clear that in order to stop the left (politically speaking), we will have elect more U.S. Grants and maybe some William Tecumseh Shermans to the House and Senate. Conservative politicians and academicians need to develop the philosophy of the long game and begin anticipating and checkmating the moves of the left politically, rhetorically and by refusing to cede anymore of the culture.
One truth is for sure: we are full of cold anger and come November freedom loving Americans will do what many of their elected leaders have not done: We will push back the socialist-Communist left and they will not know what hit them.
From Bahr's mouth to God's ear. But I don't think the Left will lose a step unless conservatives go on the offensive to put the Left back on its heels. Where are you, Republicans?  You want our money, but what are you willing to do to earn it?

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