Saturday, June 20, 2020

One Major Party As Taken The Enemy's Side

The Left has declared war on the American nation, on individual liberty and rights, on private business, indeed, on everything that is America.  They are stealing our history in hopes of separating us from our history, creating a rootless people.  Meanwhile, people who believe in the American republic, what I call lower case "r" republicans, seem not to quite believe that we are indeed at war.  This is brought home by an article at the American Thinker entitled Republicans Must Understand: We Are At War by Dave Kado. While the proximate cause of the current rioting, looting, vandalism, arsons, and the taking down of statues and destruction of monuments is the death of George Floyd whil in custoday of police. But this was just an excuse. Black Lives Matter, like Antifa is a Marxist group dedicated to the destruction of this country by any means necessary.

Understand that these Leftists have already dehumanized you in their own minds, a necessary step in executing a war.  They hate you, and everything you stand for and love.  They even hate your God, believing religion to be the 'opiate of the masses."  While, for the moment this war does not appear to be a shooting war, the fact that their philosophy justifies any action to take place if it advances the cause means republicans must be prepared for anything. But, in terms of what we can do, here are some actions republicans can take:
Despite the apparent power differential between the two sides, all is not lost. In order for us (the Republicans) to have a fighting chance, we need to realize and embrace the situation we're in with eyes wide open and adapt our tactics accordingly, and everyone needs to join the fray. We must stop pretending we're the majority, or that we have the power, or that people will eventually agree with us, or that we have the moral high ground, or that our enemy is willing to meet us in the ideological space with Marquess of Queensbury debate rules. To return to military terms, we can't stand up an army and slug it out in a field with our opponents — they would destroy us. Maybe thirty years ago, or even fifteen, this was possible, but now no longer. Given the situation, guerrilla tactics are much more plausible and effective and give us a fighting chance.
What does this look like? That's for you to decide. A guerrilla army's strength lies in its unpredictability and lack of centralization. Some ideas I've had, as someone who lives in a deep blue area, include printing pamphlets of various "wrongthink" subjects and disseminating them. Homeschooling, history of the Democrats (focusing on the Civil War and beyond), degradation of the food system, etc. are all good subjects — anything that counters the mainstream narrative of those in power. Get people to start questioning the official narrative, for let's not forget whose side the official narrative belongs to.
Forge alliances; join like-minded organizations, coordinate letter or call campaigns; engage in boycotts of businesses (while making sure those businesses know why you're doing what you're doing). Recent events have opened a door for us to start ideologically converting people — if not completely to our side, at least out of the Democrat camp. Put a chink in the leftist armor and let the air of invulnerability that they've projected be used against them. Let them know we're here, but do it in a non-confrontational non-direct way. (Screaming matches and arguments do little to alter the balance of power and merely have the reverse effect of strengthening their resolve.) Let them truly grasp the situation as well. Let them develop paranoia as they fight to maintain every last inch of their kingdom. Make them tired and weak and humiliated. Electing President Trump was a good start, and we need to ensure his re-election. However, his presidency should be viewed as an opening salvo as opposed to a final blow. Let them know we're on the offensive and no longer willing to run and hide and hope they leave us alone.
For a fuller understanding of Black Lives matter, please read David Horowitz's article Bllack Lives Are A Pretext. The article makes clear that what they really want, and what strategies they are prepared to utilize to achieve it.  Defunding the police, while taking away the guns from the law abiding makes perfect sense to these people, precisely because they have no intention of giving up their guns.  They mean to win, make no mistake.

Please go read both articles, and begin thinking about what you will do. 

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