Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Note To Elitists, When The Revolution Comes...

 I've said it before, perhaps in even more stark terms, that when the "revolution comes" many who now are rooting for the Left will be the first people thrown against the wall and shot.  Members of the media, and a host of others who know where the bodies are buried will also suddenly become unnecessary.  Pol Pot shot anyone who wore glasses. And Castro had Che Guevara executing people on an industrial scale. Anyway, that is the point of James Mullin's piece at the American Thinker today entitled An Urgent Message To Deep State Elitists.

I'm going to go way out on a limb here and say I suspect that it's not just patriotic deplorables who read the essays in American Thinker. It's not an intergalactic leap to assume that what is written here gets "monitored" by congressional aides, assistant-assistant media editors, and sub-administrative assistants at our tech behemoths, to name just a few of the woke elements that draw the short straw and are tasked with reading our thoughts. They just watch what we're up to, hoping to catch us "insurrecting." So, knowing they're listening, I have a message of vital importance to them.
You probably assume that your zealous and loyal service to the Deep State will "get you a ride" on that "last plane out" or a golden ticket admission to the deep bunker in Mount Thunder or wherever, if and when it all comes crashing down. So, news flash — it won't. You and yours will be left outside in the cold, wailing with the unwashed deplorables as America comes tumbling down. Just ask one Andrew Cuomo.
For those who may be just a little bit dense, what Mullin is saying is that most of you will be in the same boat is we deplorables. History tells us this is true. It has been ever thus at least since the French Revolution devolved into the Reign of Terror. Many people lost their heads, quite literally, while the rest starved. It was so in the Soviet Union, in Communist China (indeed it still is.) As I say, it has been ever thus. Meanwhile, you are throwing away the one system that has lifted the average person out of poverty, allowing us to achieve our best selves.  Naturally, not everyone will pursue his or her best self.  But everyone has the opportunity.

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