Sunday, September 19, 2021

Our best hope is to pray

 The Roman Empire wasn't always an empire.  It started life as the Roman republic.  It wasn't quite like our republic, but a republic it was.  The end of the republic of Rome was the day Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river with his army at his back.  Republics die when their leaders no longer follow their founding principles.  It is in this context that Robert Arvay asks Is the Republic dead? Can it be saved?

It’s not nearly as complicated as once I thought it was. It’s a top-down insurrection. All that it ever needed was a sufficient number of conspirators, in key positions, to network with each other. Granted, the numbers needed were large. That is why it took so many years to take hold. Once the threshold was reached, however, circa 2015 or 16, the treachery began in full swing.
The plotters were delayed by one mistake, a very big one, in 2016. They underestimated the amount of electoral fraud that was needed to place Hillary Clinton in the White House. That set them back four years. By 2020, however, the insurrectionists understood their error, and they did not repeat it again. This time, the fraud was massive. It was too large to hide, but on the other hand, there was no longer any need for concealment. Nobody in power was ever going to oppose the reported result, save for President Trump and a very few others, but there were not enough of them to be effective.
As of now, there are a few loose ends to be tied up before the take-over is strong enough to make us into another Cuba. The top is secure, but the bottom is a bit unsteady. One of those loose ends is that pesky Second Amendment, or more precisely stated, the people who exercise it. It’s not that those in power cannot prevail against an armed rebellion of the citizens; they can, and they know it. They also know, however, that it would be messy. Spartacus never really stood a chance against the Roman Empire, but he still defeated a legion while trying. He made a mess of things for quite some time.
In retrospect, perhaps we should have seen it. But I confess to being too busy doing the normal things people do like holding down a job, mowing the grass, and trying to enjoy the few free moments life gave me. Then too, in recent years the Democrats put up such terrible candidates that it made the Republican candidates, bad as they were, seem like the right choice. But as George W. Bush has shown, he was really just playing a part in a play put on by the ruling class. And the fact that the United States was truly unique among the nations of the world, was indeed as Reagan put it a "shining city on a hill," doesn't matter to these narcissistic people, who are already rich and powerful. But it isn't enough for their grandiose sense of themselves.

Arvay offers some hope that we may prevail in the end.  
There remain two last hopes. First, the parents of public schoolchildren are outraged that their children are being indoctrinated by radical leftists, and morally undermined by sexual perverts lecturing in the class, in one case, by a man with bared buttocks. Will the parents act effectively? If the general public fails to protect its children, there is no hope.
The second hope is that, as is well known, those in government tend to be inept. This is why, in communist nations, the Great Leaps Forward have always tended to fall flat on their faces, worsening the economic deprivation that communism inherently inflicts on its millions of subjugated people. How does that apply to America? To paraphrase Barack Obama, never underestimate the ability of Biden to screw things up. That applies to progressives in general.
Both "hopes" seem iffy at best. I suggest we pray.

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