Monday, September 20, 2021

Is the ELCA Still a Christian Organization?

 So here's a...just lovely...piece at the American Thinker from Andrea Widburg entitled The Evangelical Church In America Abandons The Bible. It confirms my decision to leave the ELCA. I describe my decision to my fellow Missouri Synod Lutherans as that I am an escapee from the godless ELCA. 

It all started when the ELCA voted to allow gay and lesbian people in what they called "committed relationships" to be ordained as pastors. We were promised that LGBTQxyz pastors would not be pushed upon us. I said at the time that sooner or later such people would be pushed onto normal congregations and sadly, I was right.

I noted at the time that there was something terribly wrong with the ELCA.  There were no children in the church, and the average age of the congregants was older than I was at the time.  I was 60.  We should have had a Catechism class each year, yet the pastor only occasionally had a Catechism student.  I still have a picture of my own Catechism class of 30 students.  Clearly there was something wrong, and I was unable to do anything about it.  So I left and found a home in the Missouri Synod.

Do I need to highlight the way pronoun madness turns English into gibberish? No, I don’t think I do.
It’s bad enough when ordinary people with body dysphoria take it upon themselves to declare that they have the power to transform from one sex to another and to control the English language. However, it’s really bad coming from someone who not only claims to be religious in accordance with the Bible but who also occupies a position of power within a religious institution. You see, the Bible is very clear:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (King James Bible 1:27.)
God didn’t give a choice of “None of the above,” or make a person’s sex a buffet from which he can choose. If you belong to a Bible-based faith, “transgenderism” simply isn’t within that religious framework.
And because this whole thing really irks me, let me make one more point: The whole “transgender” edifice is a fake. If Rohrer, an archbishop who attacks people for misgendering that poor child he’s raising as an “it,” really could magically change his sex, you wouldn’t need the appellation “transgender” in front of his identity as a woman. Instead, if he had the god-like power he’s arrogated to himself, he’d simply be a “woman,” with no “trans” about it.
The label “transgender” is the "tell" that the people identifying as such know that they’re not capable of transforming into the opposite of their biological sex. Instead, these are people suffering from a form of body dysphoria every bit as delusional as anorexia or the belief that one is an alien or a cow.
Widburg obviously feels about the whole "transgender" issue as I do. Indeed, the whole idea of "trans" anything is out of step with the reality that God created. This makes it wrong, and sinful. And while yes, of course, we all sin, we all have gone astray, and desperately need the forgiveness that God freely offers, that doesn't mean we don't need to at least recognize our sins. For how can we confess our sins if we don't recognize them and ask?

One has to ask if the ELCA is still even a Christian organization?

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