Thursday, May 26, 2022

Is there time to stop the Great Reset?

 The so-called "Great Reset" is happening at a rapid rate.  With the Biden administration having a strangle hold on power, it may be too late for us.  Currently, the Biden administration seems intent on handing over our sovereign self government to the World Health Organization.  How this can happen without the support of the Senate seems Constitutionally impossible.  The administration also seems intent on putting in place a digital currency that will give them complete control over the average American.

Two stories today illustrate the squeeze in which we find ourselves.  The first is by J. B. Shurk at the American Thinker entitled The True Evil of the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum, or WEF is currently meeting again in Davos, Switzerland, and they are no longer concealing there true purpose. And their purpose is to enslave the world's population, turning us into slaves in service to them.

Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, "Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?" For a while there, I believed that Western allies had endured enough death and slaughter from the first two world wars to forge an informal understanding among themselves that uncontrolled German megalomania invariably leads to malignant outcomes for all. Then came German reunification, and the nation's inevitable economic dominance over all of Europe assured its status as the most powerful member of the European Union. All that effort to constrain the German empire's influence went up in smoke. It turns out that it is far easier to conquer the European continent with flowery promises of "peace," "economic integration," and "international cooperation" than it is to send jackbooted shock troops marching past the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs-Élysées.
Still, the Americans, Canadians, and Brits would never sit idly by while German powerbrokers remake the world in their image, right? Wrong! Just listen to Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Boris Johnson all parroting that same Build Back Better Boobery in unison, as if they operated under the influence of some nefarious hive mind. At first, hearing world leaders squawk identical World Economic Forum talking points was disconcerting. Then it was nauseating. Now it just makes them sound like walking, talking robots all under the WEF's control. Is it possible that Ol' Klaus already lobotomized the West's putative leadership and replaced their neural CPUs with state-of-the-art, German-made "Great Reset" implants? Curse you, German engineering!
That's where we are today, as the world's 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind's future without even the pretense of seeking mankind's consultation, let alone permission. "The future is not just happening," Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland. "The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room." "Good German" Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they're so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise. Yep, here are our New World Order master plans! Yes, we know we've called you guys "conspiracy theory nuts" for forty years, but you were right. In hindsight, wasn't it obvious?
In another era, World Economic Forum attendees would be rounded up and put on trial for undermining the health and security of sovereign nations. Heck, if people properly understood the WEF as an evil engine for driving Marxist totalitarianism around the planet, they might skip the trials and go straight to the sentencing. When so many of today's leaders have already handed over their nation states' keys to the aspiring dictators in Davos, however, ordinary people around the world have a real problem.
Clearly everything about the Great Reset goes against the founding principles, as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America. So, one has to ask if officials who are promoting this Marxist plot are traitors? After all, didn't these people take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution? I am not a legal expert, so I am just asking, but it seems that way to this average American.

The second article is found at by Kurt Schlichter entitled Leftists Are About to Kill Millions of People Right Before Our Eyes

Sometimes something is so horrifying that you simply cannot process it – your brain tells you that it’s not real, that it can’t be real, but the horror now approaching us is all too real. Millions of people are likely to starve to death in the next year – we know it’s coming, we know why, and yet our garbage ruling caste is paralyzed. Inflation, particularly of fossil fuels, and the crop failures caused by lack of fertilizers (again, exacerbated by lack of fossil fuels), will mean mass starvation. Oh, when the TV is filled with pictures of skeletal kids, the regime adherents will rage at us for letting this happen, but they are the architects of this massacre. And they could stop it, if they wanted to, by opening up America’s oil tap.
But they are choosing not to act to stop it.
Not because all of them necessarily prefer that millions of people, primarily in the Third World, to die, though some are certainly not all that displeased. After all, their hideous ideology butchered 100 million people in the last century. But the elite will accept it as the cost of their rule.
Think that’s nuts? Crazy talk? Look at the prog abortion freaks, happy to kill a baby seconds before it sees sunlight if that’s the birthing parent’s whim. Look at the ones crowing about how it was the Jesus-gun people who would die from COVID. Tell me again how much they care about humans who get in their way. No, none of them is willing to do what it will take to derail the death train roaring down the tracks. What it will take is repudiating their poisonous fetishes about the climate hoax, and they can’t do it. They won’t do it. No, they will instead allow millions of sacrifices to appease the angry weather god.
While famine and starvation probably won't happen here in America, many citizens are going to go hungry, and lives will definitely be shortened. These can also be laid at the feet of the ghouls of the left. Please read both articles and think about what you might do to survive the coming tragedy. Oh, and pray for God's forgiveness on this nation established under his providence.

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