Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Left Is Engaging In Spiritual Combat. The Right Better Understand It

 There was a time when those of us on the right thought that our political opponents were misguided, perhaps, but not evil.  And for decades we continued to debate the issues, and we watched as those on the Left continued to enact policies and laws that offended conservatives and the Constitution.  Of late we have seen abortion become an issue and the Left is waging an ugly war to save it.  What kind of people can justify such a thing?  But the truth is, whether it is Social Security and Medicare, or Obamacare, or guns and self-defense, too many Leftist ideas have done incredible harm to the Constitution and limited government. 

We were assured that these policies and laws were "progressive."  Yet these policies and laws looked to conservatives not as progress but its opposite, regress.  In recent years, the Left has even turned to grooming our children. teaching them that they can decide which sex to be.  Of course, this is made up magical thinking, but it has an evil purpose.

At the American Thinker today, Philip Alrich makes the connections that the rest of us have been reluctant to make. His article Liberalism and the Problem of Evil. The one bone I would pick with Alrich's article is that he mischaracterizes the Left as "liberal." Not everyone who votes Democrat is evil. But the party itself has been in thrall to evil for a very long time.  The Left has a history of racism, for example, and it continues to this day.

No one can speak of evil without mentioning its attraction to the Democrat Party, which is now the party of official racism in America. Political evil is a contagion of psychological immaturity, self-delusion, and counterfeit justification, and its virus has spread throughout America's liberal ruling class. Its influence has scoured our nation of its fundamental values, and leftists are intent upon creating a state apparatus that facilitates the separation of children from their parents, criminals from justice, and citizens from the Bill of Rights. This is a call to Marxist socialism that has no past and no possibility of a future. This is evil come to do business with the Democrat Party, and it is evil on a national scale. Civilization must protect the weakest, but leftist ideology targets and crushes those who are unable to resist the powerful forces of state coercion. There is no civilization on the far side of Marxism.
Modern liberalism is a template for the genesis of evil that is now possible in democratic systems. It is a product of the intellectual syphilis that comes of inbreeding elitist populations. Liberals have already written the script for America's decline and fall, and there is no suggestion of a democratic ending. The people are the nation: that is what democracy looks like. The people, at first, create the government they want; but at last, and by slow degrees, government creates the society it needs. It is the fate of democratic societies that allow, by their own election, the assassins of freedom into the center of government.
We have reached a point in our political affairs in which we are voting for either limited government and a free society or unlimited government and a society in chains. There can be no possible reconciliation of these differences. The appalling distance between the commonsense problem solving of conservative government and the left's radical template of compulsory thought and behavior has resulted in a degenerative condition of political stasis in which the governing party is compelled to tear down the accomplishments of the previous administration, and the governed are reduced to the status of refugees from the conflict over power. The willful destruction of our democratic institutions proves how barbaric liberals can be with the levers of power in their hands. Liberals are like Tolkien's wizards of Middle Earth: they cannot build the things that please them; they can only destroy the things that annoy them. And a constitution that tells the government what it cannot do annoys them greatly.
The children of the left want nothing to do with government or way of life they had no part in creating. They are insurrectionists. They are wrong with purpose and maliciously resolved to break the trust we hold in our democratic institutions. Before all else, this must be understood if we are to develop a social consciousness of the political evil rooted and metastasizing in liberal culture, for injustices done to us by our equals are more harmful than injustices done to us by tyranny. The urge to target, threaten, and silence, to bring harm to millions of citizens who disagree with the liberal party's deviant ideology, is characteristic of what psychiatry calls a "collective delusional system" -- a communal psychological disorder -- and the bringers of harm should be stigmatized and removed from the instruments of power.
It has been ever thus since man took a bite of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In the end, only God can end the current reign of the Left. It is our job to see to it that we are on His side, for surely, He has a side in this fight against the Evil One. Alrich lays it out for us, as plainly as anyone. For more in-depth reading, I suggest Immortal Combat by Father Dwight Longenecker. It will be eye opening.

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