Monday, May 2, 2022

Preparing, Not Panicking

 Andrea Widburg has an interesting post today at the American Thinker entitled Anthropogenic climate change will be a non-issue if this volcano blows. It seems that a super volcano may be developing under Antarctica. To get an idea just what such a volcano could do:

But it's the really big "supervolcanos" that should frighten us. If you've been to Yellowstone, you know that it's one of the most beautiful places on earth. But that vast, peaceful valley was once a supervolcano that erupted 640,000 years ago. Were that to happen today, the surrounding states would be covered by pyroclastic flows, while the rest of the U.S. would experience falling ash, destroying lungs and crops and obscuring the sun — and that was a small supervolcano.
Should this volcano erupt, all or part of the Antarctic ice sheet will instantly melt, and the oceans will rise by feet, not the centimeter or two that panics greenies. In addition, the sun will be obscured for years. When the Lake Toba eruption occurred, the Earth's temperature dropped — not by one or two degrees, but by 15! At the time, the human population shrank almost to extinction.
We are living in a glorious period right now, one in which we have some resilience against the worst the Earth can throw at us. We should be enjoying this era, taking advantage of the wonders of technology to control heat and cold, strengthen buildings against earthquakes, and warn us in advance of most weather conditions, even as we act as good stewards to the Earth, protecting the life upon it for the benefit of all.
Instead, the climate changistas run around squealing that the Earth is going to be boiled or frozen or flooded or dried out, and so we should all panic all the time while doing nothing genuinely useful. And we can do useful things. Because the Earth's climate has always changed and will always change, and because a grand solar minimum is heading our way, we should always use the fat years to prepare for the lean ones. Thanks to the maddened greenies, though, plus the effects of COVID and war in Ukraine, we may be facing the lean years without having done anything to prepare for them.
We have known for years that in an average year, volcanos spit out many more times the greenhouse gases than man produces.  It only seems that way to people living in large urban areas because it seems like cars, and buses and trucks are spewing greenhouse gases everywhere.  But there are vast swaths of the earth where there are no people and no SUVs.

Of course, the average joe and jane, reading the NY Times, or watching the local news end up being useful idiots.  The media manipulate them at the request of such as the UN and various politicians, who, believe me, know better. Why else did Obama buy a mansion on the water? He can't be too scared the sea will rise. They want to convert the anxiety and panic they create into money and power for themselves. The fact is that with warming, the world becomes more fertile. As Ms. Widburg points out, cold kills more than the warmth does.

Meanwhile, the things we should really be preparing for are things like the Antarctic super volcano that threaten all mankind.  But we should be preparing, not panicking.

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