Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Hey, Here's An Idea: Let's Just Take Away Guns Without Due Process

 D. Parker tells us that Red Flags Stand for Tyranny at the American Thinker today. So-called "Red Flag" laws are Unconstitutional, and frankly, not the Federal government's business. States already have laws that can do the same thing, but with the Constitutionally required due process. The Left, being the Left, is all about changing the meaning of words, and softening what they are actually talking about.

This is a typical leftist tactic: avoiding certain words because they would convey what is really taking place. Democrats routinely have their best wordsmiths conjure up soft language for wholesale gun confiscation. Start with those so-called “red flag” orders, which imply a government promise to confront serious dangers. Now that the people have become wise to this crass word manipulation, they’ve even starting to roll out a new version: “Yellow flag” orders. It’s got all the unconstitutional gun confiscation as before, but with a slightly brand new name.
That’s just the beginning of the naming frenzy, all intended to show that the government is just here to help. These unconstitutional abominations are also known as Extreme Risk Firearm Protection Orders (ERFPO), Risk Protection Orders (RPO), Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO), and Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVRO)  Liberticidal leftists have also been wearing out their thesaurus conjuring up harmless descriptions of how these things work. Instead of talking about how an innocent person’s means of self-defense and personal property will be taken at gunpoint, they talk about how these laws “temporarily” separate people from their guns or keep guns out of the hands of individuals perceived as a danger to themselves and others.
Of course, the reality is quite different. As Tucker Carlson eloquently stated last week:
"Yesterday, they unveiled their plan to seize firearms from American citizens who have not been convicted of a crime or even accused. Now, under normal circumstances, it would be instantly obvious that that is unconstitutional. In our system, you have to be convicted before you can be punished, but in the hysteria that understandably follows a tragedy this horrible, politicians know that they can suspend civil liberties."
Let's be clear, whether we are talking about so-called "Red Flag Laws," or banning of certain weapons based on cosmetic features, the Left fully intends to take guns away from the law abiding, not the criminals. They intend to be in control of a monopoly of violence. They want the power to shove their ridiculous ideas down our throats, and then tell us to eat cake.  Their program goes directly against the Second Amendment, and the Second Amendment is what has preserved our liberties so far.

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