Sunday, June 12, 2022

There is one God, and we are not He

Following onto yesterday's post, and picking up the same theme, is an article at the American Thinker by Michael V. Wilson entitled Who's the Real Radical Individualist?. Wilson points out that it is the Left in which everyone did what was right in his own eyes. The quote is from the book of Judges, and indicates that they are not doing what is right in God's eyes. Whether it is aborting children in the womb, of pretending that there are 57 genders, or much of the rest of the Left's agendea, including materialism. Indeed, the fact of the Left's radical materialism makes me wonder how the Catholic church can justify so many priests being Communist.

The left tries to pretend that radical individualism describes Americans who care more about protecting their personal liberty than the health of their communities. If you want to be left alone to make your own decisions about vaccinations, masks, guns, morality, how to take care of your children; if you think abortion is murder; if you refuse to bow down to the claims of the LGBTQ-whatevers; if you insist there are only two sexes — in short, if you disagree with anything the left supports, you're engaging in dangerously radical individualism.
Furthermore, they claim that radical individualism harms everyone, even those who practice it. But, as is frequently the case with those on the political left, they're indulging in the art of projection, accusing someone else of the very thing they're guilty of themselves.
Any honest person would be forced to admit it's not those on the right who are involved in radical individualism, but those on the left. In the Bible, in the Book of Judges, there's a phrase that is repeated several times and captures perfectly the zeitgeist of the modern left: everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Wilson likens the Left to a giant blob, an amoeba if you will, constantly moving, and swallowing up the culture, with everyone doing what is right in his own eyes.  They accuse the Right of not caring, but in truth they don't care.  They are grooming our children, uncaring that we don't want them to do that, indeed look upon their doing so with horror.  We don't care that some people may want to lie with the same sex, but we also don't want it shoved in our faces either.  We look at so-called "trans" people as simply confused.  They deserve compassion.  But they don't get to force us to pretend that their confusion is reality.

In the end, God created everything that is and everything that is not, the visible and the invisible.  He knows best what is reality in His creation.  And He has even given us a handbook of sorts we call the Bible.  Man continually wants to be their own gods.  Life is better if we surrender to Jesus, and recognize that there is only one God, and we are not He.

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