Thursday, June 30, 2022

"How did we get to the point where babies can be killed and murderers can’t?"

 Daniel Greenfield at the blog Sultan Knish asks the shocking question Who Would You Kill?. Greenfield makes the point that I have not hearsd anyone else make: that the same people who are pro-abortion are also the ones who want to regulate the Second Amendent out of existence. The two decisions make perfect sense to conservatives. After all, the Second Amendment is actually in the Constitution, while there is not a word, or hint of a right to abortion in that document. Still:

"The Supreme Court's back-to-back decisions on guns and abortions have the practical impact of preventing Democratic states from regulating guns — and allowing Republican states to prohibit abortions," New York Times political reporter Shane Goldmacher tweeted.
The conflation of ‘New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen’ and ‘Dobbs v. Jackson’ is compelling to lefty legalists who have never taken the Second Amendment seriously.
But beyond the legal fact that the Right to Bear Arms is in the Constitution and the right to kill babies isn’t, there is a moral difference of values that is worth contemplating here.

And that moral difference makes all the difference. In the case of abortion, we are talking about what is in essence, the execution of a child for having the temerity to be concieved by an act that her mother should have known could result in such a conception. An the other hand, the Second Amendment allows people to carry a weapon for defense of themselves and others. There are few excuses for the killing of an innocent baby in the womb, and there are few excuses for restricting law abiding citizens right to arms.

The moral chasm between the premeditated murder of the innocent and the desperate self-defense of beleaguered men fighting for their lives is both damning and revealing of the fundamental flaws of victimhood utilitarianism and Marxist power dynamics as guides.
How did we get to the point where babies can be killed and murderers can’t?
How, indeed? Hopefully, the Supreme Court has begun to put us back facing toward God, or at least not facing 190 degrees away from Him.

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