Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tucker Carlson Today: The Exorcist

Something different today: A Tucker Carlson Today episode in which Carlson interviews a priest, Father Vincent Lampert who is an exorcist. It is an interesting interview, to say the least. At around the halfway point, Father Lampert makes a point that he isn't doing anything, but it is the power of God that does it all. It goes by quickly so if you watch it, don't let it pass by unremarked. From what this man says, he is truly a man of faith. Moreover, this is consistent with everything we believe about Jesus: that he is God himself, made flesh, that He died for our sins, that at the moment of His death on the cross, the devil and death were defeated.

He describes, at the prompting of Carlson, a number of things he has observed. If one were unprepared and happened to participate in an exorcism and these things happened, it would surely frighten. Father Lampert describes observing eyes rolling back, growling and uttering blasphemies, having superhuman strength, speaking in languages unknown to the individual, and even levitating. In this chaotic environment though, Lampert calmly prays the prayer of the Church and orders the demon to leave the person in the name of Jesus Christ.  It is only through the authority of Jesus, and not the priest that he is able to accomplish these things.

God does not always answer our prayers in ways that we understand. So, doubts can creep in. Is there someone on the other end of my conversation? Does He exist, and if He exists, does He care? I will confess that these doubts sometimes creep into my thoughts. They have to be batted away. But here is a priest who with full throated voice tells us that "Yes, God not only exists, but He cares, He wants us to have a relationship with Him. He wants what is best for each of us, if only we repent and turn to Him.

How refreshing.

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