Saturday, September 17, 2022

Dobbs was worth it

Yesterday, David Harsanyi had an article at entitled Absolutely, Dobbs Was Worth It. Now, Harsanyi cites reasons of constitutionality and the political prospects of Republicans in the upcoming midterms as reasons for believing that the Dobbs decision was needed. I can not argue with Harsanyi on any of the points he made. Indeed I am glad he made them. For too long we have wandered away from our constitutional roots by following stare decisis. So one bad decision yields another worse decision based on the bad decision. Then the next, based on the worse decision becomes still more worse than the last. What the Supreme Court has done is gone back to and ruled on the Constitution itself, to find that there is nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing a "right" to kill your unborn children. So they have turned it back to the states to decide, each state for itself. It's about time. Why does everything have to be decided nationally for all? But of course you know the answer. It concentrates power in the hands of Washington elites.

What concerns me more, however, is the sheer immorality. Now, one can feel sorry for women who have to carry an unwanted child to term, and believe me I do. And men do not get off easy here, for there has only been one immaculate conception in the history of mankind. But the baby is the only innocent party here. Each person, mother and father, made a choice. The moral thing to do is bring the child to term and either raise it yourself, or put it up for adoption. Many families are looking for children to adopt, and frankly the government often makes adoption more difficult. But there is doing the right thing, and doing the convenient thing.

Whatever way you look at it though, Dobbs was worth it.

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