Monday, September 5, 2022

Schlichter: Pray the AR-15 vs. F-15 Stays Hypothetical

 In his speech in Pennsylvania, Biden hinted at the notion that if brave Americans wanted to go up against his regime, they had better bring F-15s to the fight, and not AR-15s.  Now, here is a strawman if ever there was one.  Nobody I am aware of has seriously talked about our side going to war with the administration.  Indeed, I, as do most, pray never to have to draw my weapons in self defense.  To be forced to kill another human being, made in the image of God as I was, would be devastating.  Clearly, Biden doesn't know much about guns or warfare.  He doesn't realize the devastation and suffering that such use of the military on his own people would bring. 

Or does he?  Maybe he hates average hardworking Americans that much.

In any case, Kurt Schlichter, who has some experience with these things, discusses who he thinks would ultimately "win" such a fight in his article at entitled F-15 vs. AR-15? Bet on the Guys With the Guns. As is usual, and gentle readers will know I like his style. Schlichter sprinkles his commentary with creative insults of the kind you might find in a court room drama.

Okay, fine. Let’s go over this again for the knuckleheads who think that they prevail if they step outside the “use your words” paradigm they grew up with in their sissy private schools. You lose if you idiots provoke a real civil conflict – not the kind of low-intensity urban conflict of the Seventies where you cheered on the Weathermen and Cinque’s SLA, and not the kind where a bunch of mutants riot under the protection of leftist municipal governments in leftist municipalities, but a real one. One where the people you want to crush under your Birkenstocks fight back. With AR-15s.
I discuss this in great detail in my new non-fiction book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America, and not from the perspective of half-wit daughter-showering goofs but from the real down and dirty of how this terrible course of events would actually unspool. And it would go poorly for a largely unarmed, untrained, urban-centered population of smug geebos whose primary weapon system is a snarky tweet.
The doddering moron shared his tactical insights with his audience at a rally in Pennsylvania for Heart Attack Shrek. He said, thinking he was super-clever, “For those brave right-wing Americans... if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.”
Schlichter then goes on to compare guns in the hands of soldiers to what fighter-bomber jets do.
Well, a gun gives an individual soldier – and that’s what civilian freedom fighters would be – the ability to dominate the space on the ground around them out to a couple hundred meters of open territory (let’s not argue about maximum effective ranges, or the fact that civilians have a lot of weapons that outrange the 5.56mm weapons systems currently used by the military – a weapon system whose bullets Mr. 10% Off The Top thinks fly “five times as rapidly as a bullet shot out of any other gun”). In other words, a gun controls space on the ground. Coincidentally, the ground happens to be where people live.<
A jet fighter dominates air space and keeps other planes away. Few people actually live in the air. Now, a jet fighter bomber like the F-15 can drop bombs on the enemy – which is, according to Crusty, us freedom-loving American citizens. Of course, this kind of tactical employment works to support guys on the ground dominating terrain with guns. Planes don’t hold territory; they help soldiers hold territory. So, it’s an apples and oranges thing at the threshold, which is appropriate since the whole discussion Slow Joe began is pretty much Fruit Loops.

Of course, the whole discussion becomes complicated because just as patriots have weapons and can use them, Biden has forces too. How many? There are always those that can be counted upon to follow illegal orders and kill their fellow citizen. Certainly, the ground work of demonizing certain Americans will sway some. That is how the military convinces soldiers to kill human beings.  It is not natural, and they have to be convinced that the enemy is evil. That the senior staff of officers has been purged will mean they will give the orders, legal or not. But the fact is that the more Biden uses his military to try to punish us into submission, the more people will turn against him and his regime. The fact is that any fight against the civilians in the United States would be a guerilla war, with people hiding in plain site. Those following Biden's orders would never know from where the next attack might come. He may win the battles but lose the war.

But the problem for them is quantity. There are tens of millions of American patriots with guns, AR-15s being only one color in the rainbow of freedom-defending firearms. Real diversity is 5.56mm alongside 7.62mm and .30-06 and 12 gauge and .45 and others, all firing together for a brighter tomorrow. So, there better be a lot of airplanes to balance out millions of patriots.
Um, how many fighter-bombers do we have anyway?
This means President Gumby has 1500 planes and 300 drones to suppress those millions of dissenters. Hey, that’s 36 aircraft a state!
That’s still a lot of platforms and they can still do a lot of damage – assuming there are enough bombs stored in our bunkers (The Hellfire missile stocks would vanish quickly and aren’t those made in Florida? Awkward!). Can that fleet of aircraft do enough damage to deter and defeat a few million red rebels? How does one say “I am unconvinced” in Pashto?
After going through a table top analysis of how a hot civil war might play out, Schlichter comes to the conclusion that it would be better if the Left, and Biden in particular, stopped attempting to provoke that which they can not win. And so we find ourselves as we started, praying to God that we never have to actually use our weapons to defend ourselves:
The enemy always gets a vote – and Biden just announced that his enemy is tens of millions of us patriotic citizens. So, in the great AR-15 vs. F-15 hypothetical – and pray it stays hypothetical despite the stupidity of our ruling caste – the smart money is on the numbers. But the truly smart course of action is to not to even go down this road, to re-embrace our Constitution and to stop trying to be butch in order to get some Twitter love from the pinkos. Maybe this ridiculous stooge masquerading as our president should stop running his fool mouth threatening to slaughter other Americans.

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