Monday, September 26, 2022

FBI Presecutes Pro-Life Catholics

 Eric Sammons at Crisis Magazine reports that the FBI Is Sending A Message To Pro-Life Catholics.

The swatting and arrest of a pro-life activist on Friday sent shockwaves throughout the pro-life community…which is exactly what the FBI intended by their gestapo tactics.
When a swarm of fully-armed FBI agents attack the rural home of a father of seven who runs a Catholic anti-pornography ministry over a charge that was already dropped in the local courts, it’s not a mistake—it’s a message. You will be silent, you will comply—or you will be next.
The real story here is the overheated response of the federal government. This arrest is another step on the path to full-scale persecution of Catholics and pro-lifers. History shows that the persecution of a class of people doesn’t appear in a vacuum; it usually takes decades or even longer of priming the society to look down on a group of people or way of life. And what has the past few decades in America been if not a growing delegitimization of Catholicism and its teachings?
We see it all around us. Big families are ridiculed, priests are mocked, and traditional sexuality is reviled. Anyone who dares to resist this trend is progressively ostracized from society and the culture at large. It begins at the level of the major media and Hollywood until it seeps into dinner conversations and neighborhood picnics. Eventually it gets to the point that a family man can be arrested and many will just say, “Well, he probably deserved it—after all, look at the way he lives.”
The forces of evil know how to take advantage of this attitudinal shift. They push a little at a time, progressively ramping up their attacks to see what is acceptable and what is not (yet) acceptable. An arrest like this, then, serves a dual purpose: first, it sends a message to the pro-life community, and second, it checks the pulse of the culture to gauge the reaction. If this arrest is allowed to stand, then expect more in the future.
"The forces of evil indeed."  Is it too much to say that Catholics are being attacked demonically? I won't name the demon because to do so gives it power.  We invite these demons into our lives when we allow abortions and do other things that displease God.  If you want to see what I am talking about, look up the Tucker Carlson interview with an exorcist.  Hair raising stuff, that.

The chaos around us is yet more evidence of demons let loose on the world. Many gentle readers will of course say that this is all hogwash. But if Christ himself cast out demons, and taught the Apostles to do so, then demons exist.

The Church has been through persecutions before. But in a country that ostensibly has religious freedom as one of its founding principles, it is disappointing. Still...
The increasing insanity of the Left has one positive element: it reveals to a growing number of “normal” people that a world ruled by the Left isn’t one they want to live in. And so we will likely see more and more victories by the Right, which is really just more victories for sanity.
If you are Catholic, pray a rosary for Mr. Houk, and also for his persecutors. If not, pray anyway.  He needs our prayers and so do we.

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