Tuesday, September 6, 2022

I the Pope Catholic?

Today's post discusses things Catholic.  Gentle readers who are Protestant, or who are atheist or agnostic may wish to turn away, but I urge you to read it anyway.  The Roman Catholic church affects all of Western civilization, or what is left of it, and whether we like it or not, is our only hope of resurrecting a powerful, strong Western civilization, and our Contitutional Republic.

First up today is an article at Crisis Magazine entitled A Different Kind of Catholic by Jennifer Hartline. She describes how her eyes have been opened to the what has been called the "gay mafia" in the church, and is disgusted that Pope Francis appointed a well known member of such to the Cardinalate.  As a Cardinal, he will have voting power over Francis's successor. You should read the entire article, which will bring tears to your eyes as you read it. But it shows that we should never, ever trust in men, in church or politics. Even the most sainted man or woman has flaws and is deeply in need of God's saving Grace, myself most of all.

Realize, though, that the unraveling of the Catholic church began in the 1960s with Vatican Counsil II. Archbishop Vigano ascribes the treachery that took place at Vatican II as under the influence of Free Masonry. Reading his book, it sounds more like Leftists to me. But each of these at heart is Satan working through greedy, corruptible men. You can see it continually unfolding with the gay mafia infiltrating the church, and with the Society of Jesus, the principle teachers at Catholic Universities being wholly taken over by this mafia.

Hartline writes:
I admit I was ignorant for a long time. I know the Church is both “Spirit and mud,” as Deacon Keith Fournier explains it. But I did not know the mud was so deep, so toxic. I trusted that the men in priestly collars—and especially those in miters—were genuine in their faith, pure in their love for God, sincere in their desire to serve. I trusted that they were, indeed, shepherds. I never thought they could be wolves in disguise.
It sounds ridiculous now. If you want to chide me for being a colossal idiot, get in line behind me. But there you have it. I trusted. I believed the best.
No more. I am not that Catholic any longer. And I am glad. Though painful, I hope this shattering of ignorance and foolishness is also purifying, so there is nothing at all to cling to except Jesus.
And now, Robert McElroy, a bishop who protected a sexual-predator-Satanist-priest received his shiny red cap and changed his name to Cardinal. A man who saw fit to provide cover and safety for the literal devil is elevated to be a prince of the Church, joining the ranks of those who will elect the next pope.
There is no way Pope Francis does not know the details of his candidate for promotion. The pope is giving the faithful a cardinal who chose Satan over the body and soul of a young woman who was diabolically raped by a wicked priest, to say nothing of choosing the devil over Christ.
All of that is necessary background for you to understand why Christopher Skeet at the American Thinker says that The Next Pope Should At Least Be Catholic. To understand what is going on, one must realize that Catholicism is based on a combination of written Scripture and Tradition. Mariology is a good example. From ancient times, people believed that Mary the mother of Jesus remained a virgin and was assumed into Heaven. The belief is based on Jewish customs then existent. Once you find out these things, saying the "Hail Mary" prayer makes sense. Similarly, the elements making up the Mass, which is the central worship of our God, the Holy Trinity goes back over 2000 years. Neither the Bible nor Tradition have changed, but Vatican II changed the Mass. Many have not accepted it yet. Francis calls these people essentially heretics.
Pope Francis doesn’t like America. Pope Francis doesn’t like capitalism. It is unclear whether Pope Francis even likes Catholicism. Whatever the case may be, he seems to be doing everything he can to dissuade Catholics from remaining in the Church, and to keep prospective Catholics from joining.
When certain Christian leaders, such as the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, or the Southern Baptist Convention president, J.D. Greear, speak, nobody listens. Why? Because they sacrificed Christendom, and the glorious civilization it produced, upon the altar of wokeness a long time ago. When the pope speaks, people still listen. But that’s rapidly changing, and for the same reason.
Some of the most egrigious pronouncements of this Pope can be read in the article. The most appalling to me, however is this:
Or when Pope Francis visited Malta to address Muslim illegal immigrants and had the cross removed from the stage in order to avoid offending the audience.
Really? Whatever happened to that hymn that expresses triumphantly Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim? Do we now bow down before Islam? I don't think so. This is like Obama bowing to the Saudi King.
But the time will come for the College of Cardinals to pick his successor. They can admit Francis was an unintentional fluke, rebuild from his wreckage, and reassert Christianity into the world as an active, assertive, and positive force. Or they can mistake him for an ideological trailblazer, whose destruction they intend to continue by sacrificing the most valuable tenets of Scripture and tradition for whatever is trending on Twitter. But they cannot then feign befuddlement when Catholic churches keep emptying at rates comparable to those of other Christian denominations, whose leaders worship Quinnipiac polls rather than God.
We live in a world where Christians are regularly persecuted, facing not only murder and imprisonment in remote dictatorships but increasingly here at home with open attacks on both religious liberties and the nuclear family. But listening to Pope Francis and other Christian leaders, one would think that legions of SUV-driving Klansmen are changing the weather and casting sickness upon the peasantry better than the Salem witches ever could.
To the Pakistani and Chaldean Christians whose worshippers are slaughtered en masse, do Francis’ priorities seem logical or asinine? To the Chinese Christians praying in secret, lest they end up in labor camps with their Uighur Muslim brethren, is Francis’ kowtowing to their blood-drenched government a cause for attraction or repulsion? To the African Christians, whose countries’ transitions to capitalism are opening up unimaginable universes of technology, health care, opportunity, standards of living, and freedom, does Francis’ description of capitalism as “terrorism against all of humanity” sound like wisdom or idiocy?
Like Martin Luther, I think the Catholic church as mucked things up with nonscriptural ideas such as "Days of Obligation" and Saint this and that. But even Martin Luther believed that Mary was ever virgin. If you pray the Rosary, then pray a Rosary for the whole Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church, and pray for Pope Francis. We need the Mighty hand of God to save us. In Jesus Name.

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