Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Bill Gates: Preventing People From Eating Meat Is 'Too Difficult'

 The Epoch Times has an article by Naveen Athrapully entitled Bill Gates Says Preventing People From Eating Meat Is 'Too Difficult'. Hmmmm...and why would Bill Gates be concerned about what you or I put in our mouths? Bill Gates and his buddies at the World Economic Forum really do want to determine every detail of your life.  They want you to eat bugs!

“Anyone who says that we will tell people to stop eating meat, or stop wanting to have a nice house, and we’ll just basically change human desires, I think that that’s too difficult,” Gates said in an interview with Bloomberg. The billionaire went on to point out that such things do not necessarily have to play a key role in fighting climate change.
Rich nations only make up a third of global emissions, with the remaining two-thirds coming from “pretty basic” things like shelter, calories, transport, and the use of goods, Gates said.

I would note that the whole idea of cow farts causing climate change is flawed thinking, and anyone who can earn billions of dollars SHOULD be able to figure this out, or have someone on his staff explain it to him. Grass takes up carbon dioxide to form the cells that make up the structure of the plant. The cows eat the grass, and release part of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. But then that carbon dioxide is taken up again by grass. All cows do is recycle the carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere. They don't add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, therefore make no difference to climate change.

But, it gets worse, for ruminants like cows actually can improve the land, and can be managed to increase the anount of grass land, while reducing desertification of land. A more useful thing for the Gates Foundation to do is study and educate farmers in better herd managememt to improve the land while yielding food for their communities, and raising the stardard of living.

Now, it turns out that meat may be a better food source for man that eating a vegan diet.

Eating meat is beneficial to the human body. One study conducted by researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), Australia, found that selenium, a mineral found in meat and some other foods, has the potential to reverse the decline in brain function from old age or poor health. Another study conducted by researchers from the University of Adelaide looked into the health effects of total meat consumption in more than 170 nations. They found that consumption of energy from meat does result in greater life expectancy.
Personally, I eat about 60% quality fats, maybe 30% leafy vegetables, and 10% meat. I do tis to stay healthy and at a healthy weight. I don't eat any grains or most fruits.

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