Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Serpent in the Garden

Monica Showalter today comments on a Vatican think tank (that) becomes hotbed for pro-abortionists. The think tank in question is the Pontifical Academy for Life establish by Saint Pope John Paul II. It was designed among other things to stem the tide of abortion on one end of life, and euthanasia on the other end. The operative prinicpe here is that God created each of us. He knew us before the world began. How wonderful to think of it. But, only He, as our Creator, has the right to take a human life. Now, there are execptions to this rule, but in general, abortion and euthanasia are morally wrong. The Church consideres them very very serious offenses against God.

But now Pope Francis has appointed two pro-abortion academics to the Pontifical Academy for Life:

Most of these people have lots of fancy accolades and awards for their roles in secular academic institutions for promoting those institutions' values. Some of them put out pro-Joe Biden tweets, and this nonsense has been going on for years, actually. Now the Vatican is "borrowing" them for its own academy, which was founded to be something different by a man who's since been made a saint in part for his unyielding defense of life, and now the place looks like any old leftwing institution you can find anywhere. More disturbingly, these guys are, according to Wikipedia, citing Church documents, are "responsible for the development and promotion of many of the Catholic teachings on questions of medical ethics including procreation, IVF, gene therapy, euthanasia and abortion."
So instead of the pope, we have these guys who are supposed to be our teachers and developers of Church doctrine. Any questions as to why there's so much drivel coming out these days from the Vatican? It's not Catholics making Catholic policy anymore, it's secular atheists and other characters who have a thing against traditional Catholicism, and Pope Francis goes right ahead appointing them to the academy to set Church doctrine, telling us all what we are supposed to "think."
What on earth is this nonsense? For most Catholics, if we wanted to go to the Church of Princeton or Harvard or the University of Ilinois, or Podunk U, we'd beeline to those places direct -- we wouldn't wait for the Vatican to recyle them.
It's sad stuff because this institute was supposed to be special, a reaction to all the academic lunacy and junk thought going on in the world. Instead of striking out on its own and doing something different, the academy opts to blend in with the other academies just like them. How ... generic.

It is sad to realize that abortion, euthanasia, Communism, Socialism, Fascism and all the offshoots including homosexual behavior, CRT, BLM, Antifa are all of a piece. People think they are being "progressive," espousing the latest thing, when really they are promoting the oldest of things, the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. What is sadder still is that the Serpent has infiltrated the Church to the highest levels. Fortunately it is finally being recognized and spoken about. Please watch Fr. Robert Altier's homily, now somewhat old, but accurate nonetheless.

Father Altier sums it up with St. Peter's words to Jesus in John 6:68: But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."  The world needs Pope Francis loudly proclaim the Gospel of pur Lord Jesus Christ, and him crusified.

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