Saturday, October 22, 2022

In the world, but not of the world

 Patricia McCarthy has a post at the American Thinker today, that could be an actual article, so thorough is it in explaining that No Longer a Two Tiered System, There Is No Justice in America. One commenter to her essay wonders if we can vote our way out of this mess. In fact, I do not think so. So thoroughly has the Left infiltrated the Presidency, the Congress, and the "Deep State," and the Courts, that I do not think it is possible. I will expand on this shortly. For now, let Mrs. McCarthy explain:

Now it is easy to see why people have come to believe that the once-vaunted justice system in the US became two-tiered; one for favored elites and one for those the elites loathe. There are countless examples of this: peaceful pro-life demonstrators have been raided and charged with serious crimes that they did not commit, while those who fire-bomb pregnancy centers are not even investigated, let alone charged. Among the hundreds of violent protesters who burned their own cities down in the wake of the George Floyd debacle, few were charged with the crimes they committed and most of those that were had the charges dropped.
But a two-tiered system suggests that there are different levels of justice depending on one’s status within the establishment, the bureaucratic state. For years it has been very obvious that a two-tiered system of justice was being implemented; charge conservatives with made-up crimes, let the real criminals back out onto the streets.
Now we must face the fact that there is actually no justice to be had in America in 2022. Trump Derangement Syndrome has led inexorably to what we now see occurring daily in our once great nation: The proven guilty go free and the innocent have their homes raided by a pack of armed FBI agents who seem to delight in traumatizing law-abiding citizens.
So, it is with both great sadness and furious rage that we must admit there is no justice in America anymore. There is only the knowledge that, under the Biden regime, we are experiencing a version of totalitarianism that would make the Founders recoil in horror. Our thoroughly corrupt FBI and DOJ have spent millions of dollars tracking down anyone who may have been present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 even as it becomes apparent that what happened that day was a carefully orchestrated set-up. The powers that be have done this with all manner of illegal surveillance tactics -- raiding, assaulting, arresting and charging these mostly patriotic, non-violent Americans who knew the 2020 election had been stolen.
I promised to expand on te idea that we may not be able to vote our way out of this mess. Here is why. The Left, wherever it takes root, is a product of the modernist heresies of materialism (which is the belief that the material world is all there is) which leads to atheism, nihilism, scientism and historicism. Atheism features prominently in Soviet and Chinese Communism, less so in Nazi and Italian Fascism, and of course in our own strain of Socialism. Each of these "isms" wants the people to look to the state, not to God. Each insists that you must trust the state, and is against the Church. Indeed, that is why they can not, will not leave you alone.  You must be made to submit.

It has always been this way, though. These "isms" may have modern names, but they are very old. Go read the Old Testament book of Daniel. But they are older than that. They are, at heart, the result of the Evil One influencing people to turn against God. Satan has tempted people with the things of this world, a Faustian bargain if you will, for power, money, sexual pleasure, whatever they want as long as they turn away from God.

So, what is to be done?  Well, first we must all repent (which means to turn around.)  we must face God and admit that we have been led astray, and we will do better.  This is not easy, as the distractions of the world are powerful.  We must dedicate everything we do to the glory of God (in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.)  Go ahead, cross yourself as you repeat it, and do it often even in public.  Do not be ashamed of Him.  If you are not baptized, become baptized.  As St. Paul says, put on the full armor of God.  And pray for our leaders both in the Church and political.  I can attest that prayer works.  No, it doesn't change God, but it does change us for the better.

Mostly, we must remember that we are intended to be in the world, but not of the world.  

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