Sunday, October 2, 2022

Pray, and do the Will of God

 Yesterday, I posted about a story that had not been much reported in the mainstream media.  Today, I want to report another item you will not see in the MSM, or even on Fox News.  Indeed, if you are not a reader of the Old Testament, you will not be aware of the importance of this story.

Today, at Jonathon Feldstein tells us of The Miraculous Return of the Red Heifer to Isreal. Numbers 19 concerns ritual purity, and one of the things mentioned is the need of a red heifer to be sacrifieced for the ritual purity of the Tabernacle. The Temple worship of course was the successor of the Tabernacle. The Jews have not been able to worship in the ways of the Old Testament since 70 A.D, when the Temple was destroyed by the Romans. This is a Big Deal.

Jews read the verses longingly, praying for the opportunity to be able to rebuild the Temple and, with it, the ritual purification from the ashes of a red heifer needed to resume the Temple services. But for two millennia, the whole idea was simply a fantasy, until last year when these five red heifers were born in Texas, and now, have arrived in Israel.
There are different perspectives about the significance of the red heifers’ arrival as it relates to rebuilding the Temple. Some say that now the Temple can be rebuilt. Jews have prayed for that daily for nearly 2000 years. Some say that their arrival is the heralding of the Temple being rebuilt, a nuanced difference. And not mutually exclusive, some see the red heifers’ arrival as laying the foundation for the arrival of the Messiah, and end times among Christians. Either way, what is clear is that even if the Temple were to be rebuilt tomorrow, or descend from the heavens as some believe (since God can do anything and the restoration of the Temple is among the prophesies related to the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem), without the red heifers the Temple service cannot be reinstated because they are necessary in the ritual purification that’s required for all Jews involved.
Regardless of the cause and effect, what is sure is that now there’s a possibility, the first time since the year 70 AD, that Temple service can be restored. I tend to be of the school that whenever and however it does happen, it’s all in God’s hands. This is just a key ingredient needed to make it all happen. A big one. That alone is significant, and a rare glimpse of Biblical prophesy in our modern time.
All very interesting. But I am a Christian. The following is my view, and I have no expertise on theological matters so take everything I say here with a grain of salt. Jesus was the long awaited Messiah, the anointed one who would save first Isreal, then the World from the sins of the world. In the Old Testament, Jews sacrificed animals for their sins against God. But then God sent hs Son into the world to suffer and die an excruciating death, only to rise again on the thrid day. Jesus sacrifice was for all people, if they were baptized and believed in Him. There was no need any longer to sacrifice animals. I believe that is why God used the Romans to destroy the Temple.
Meanwhile, Christ had made many converts in Judea and Samaria through the Apostles, and many more among the rest of the world. God had given the Jews that stubbornly clung to the Old Testament 40 years to get with the program, just as he had given their ancestors 40 years in the wilderness. It was time. Israel was now the Church, the Body of Christ, which daily sacrifices the Eucharist for the forgiveness of the sins of the World.
My thoughts? The arrival in Isreal of the red heifers is a sign of Christ's Second Coming. I don't know, or think that it is imminent, but it is important. When people can believe that men can become women and vice versa, against all evidence to the contrary, there is something very wrong. When even medical doctors tell us that men can become pregnant, again against all evidence, our society is in deep trouble. The Church itself while full of faithful Christians, has been infiltrated by the Devil. We see bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal, and the Pope often saying and doing confusing things. People in powerful positions who claim to be faithful Catholics advocate for abortion. There is not a lot we can do but pray, and try to do God's Will.

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