Thursday, April 4, 2024

A Murderer and a Liar

 Sarah Arnold at notes that a High-Ranking Cardinal Calls for Americans to Reject Biden's Pro-Abortion 'Murderous Ideology'

President Joe Biden— a “devout” Catholic— is under fire for repeatedly going against what the church believes in due to his pro-abortion stance.
This week, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the former prefect of the Vatican’s highest doctrine office, called for Biden’s ex-communication as the president vowed to reinstate Roe v. Wade in his State of the Union Address.
Müller described Biden’s efforts to keep abortion legal for American women as “infanticide.”
He said that it is unacceptable to declare yourself a Catholic but to promote the killing of another human being.

As quoted by from the American Life League:

"The outrage that Biden would proclaim this on the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is NOT an accident."
"This is proof positive that Biden has no respect for the teachings of the Catholic Church, and does not understand the basic truth that God created man in His image, male and female, and that anyone or any statement that violates that basic teaching is an abomination. It is the work of the devil who is operating through the actions and words of Biden himself."

While masquerading as a "faithful" Roman Catholic, Biden in fact is advocating the human sacrifice that was common among pagan cultures throughout history. Often enough, this human sacrifice took the form of child sacrifice such as parents throwing their infants into the fiery belly of Molock.  This is the work of the devil, who was always a murderer and a liar.

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