Thursday, April 25, 2024

Time To Prosecute the Anti-Gun Lobby?

At Ammoland today Dan Wos asks a serious, and interesting question: Should Anti-Gun Lobbyists Be Prosecuted for Restrictive Gun Laws? We sometimes talk about the fact that both lobbyists who advocate for, and politicians who pass rediculous gun control have blood on their hands, but that is usually rhetorically. But do they really? Wos presents a case for doing just that.

Now, it is one thing to advocate for an unpopular position. Sometimes such advocacy is the right thing to do. For instance, advocating for the unborn is the right thing, although the abortion lobby would have us believe that abortion is the popular thing. Should pro-life people be prosecuted? No, of course not. I feel that the unborn is a human life that should be protected the same as those born. But we can only change peoples' hearts by convincing them, not forcing them.

But of course, the gun banners do not want to wait to convince us, probably because they know we can not be convinced. There is too much experience of the average person to convince them they don't need guns. But there is also so much scholarship; writings of legal experts, of historians, of criminologists, even of statiticians and plain old observers of life in general to tell us that disarming is a bad idea. We know, for instance, that criminals will always be able to have guns when they need them.

It’s ironic how the anti-gun crowd tries to hold firearm manufacturers responsible for deaths that involve their guns but claim no responsibility for the deaths of innocent people who were rendered unarmed and helpless due to restrictive gun laws.
The political left is always using “mass shootings” as justification for more gun control laws. The propaganda and media hype behind so-called “gun violence” is nothing more than fake rhetoric created for the purpose of gaining support for more gun regulations. The idea that the gun-grabbers continue to push is that “if the killer didn’t have a gun, he wouldn’t kill.” This couldn’t be further from the truth and has been proven to be a false claim time and time again.

And there is the difference between honest debate between two sides who see the same issue differently, and the bad faith efforts of the anti-gun lobby and anti-gun politicians. They deliberately cherry pick data, highlight some and cover up others to present their view. But the truth is that guns are not the problem, nor knives, nor even rocks. The problem, as always has been since man first walked the earth is that people kill other people. You will not stop them by taking away tools. They will simply find another way.

What the media won’t tell you is that violence is never the result of a gun, but anytime a gun is used, they will position it as the cause. There is no such thing as “gun violence.”
For example, Australia had two major gun bans under the guise of preventing suicide, yet after the bans, the trajectory of the suicide rate didn’t change. Giffords is notorious for pushing a false narrative that guns shoot all by themselves.

...See the tweet from Giffords about guns shooting themselves in Wos's article...

In the face of such bad faith rhetoric, shouldn't Giffords, Moms Demand Action, Everytown and Brady be held just as responsible as they try to hold gun manufacturers? If a zone is deemed "gun free" then don't police or the entity controlling that "gun free zone" have a duty to protect those in that zone? Perhaps, when there is a mass shooting at a school, those who proposed to make the school "gun free" should be brought up on charges as accomplices before the fact?

I will let Wos have the last word:

If someone cuts the brake lines on your car, should they be held accountable for any death or injury that occurs? That death or injury was a direct and intended result of their actions. Their actions caused you to be unable to stop your car. The same is true for gun control laws. The actions of the anti-gun activists and lobbyists are intended to keep you unarmed and result in you not being able to protect yourself in public. Anti-gun activists keep Americans unarmed, and criminals take advantage of the situation.

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