Thursday, April 18, 2024

More on the Betrayal of the American People

 At the American Thinker today, David Prentice has an article entitled Betrayal and the Democrats. Now if you vote Democrat, don't get hot and bothered, because he is talking about our Democrat leaders (and some of them are Democrats running as Republicans. But that is part of the betrayal.) So please read on. It is an eye-opening experience to read the laundry list of the things the garbage "elites" have done to subvert the Constitution and reduce all of us to serfdom.

The story of Judas Iscariot is the archetypal story of betrayal, fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
It's fascinating, because Judas Iscariot was the Apostle who betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees for 30 pieces of silver. He felt so guilty afterwards that he tried to give the silver back.
It's a terrifying story because Jesus was tortured and put to death and then Judas hanged himself. The field where Judas died became known as the field of blood at the time of the New Testament writings. It was a terrifying end to a horrific story.
Judas was picked by Jesus himself. He was one of the original twelve Apostles. He had walked with Jesus for three years, seen miracles, heard the finest teaching ever given, and because of this action, his name has become synonymous with the worst of betrayals, the most graphic of betrayals: Judas telling the guards he would kiss Jesus on the cheek to show them who to arrest.

Judas became incensed because a woman used very expensive oil to anoint Jesus, when it could have been sold and used to feed the poor. I know people today who say the same things. But in truth all that we have and all that we are belonged to God from the beginning. He created us and everything around us. Therefore, it is not entirely wrong to spend some of our money and wealth honoring Him. But I digress. Prentices offers also the case of Benedict Arnold, whose name became a byword for betrayal in the United States as another example.

Prentice then offers a long laundry list of actions the Democrats have taken, most of them since Obama was in office, but the betrayal starts with the founding of the Democrat party. These people do not care about the causes, or the people they are championing. All they care about is power and privilege.

Let me be blunt. The worst of our betrayers are found in the Democrat party. They are betraying America right now and have been for years. Their contempt for America as founded is for a combination of all the above reasons, in spades.
A leftist might say that a difference of opinion does not mean you are a traitor. But that’s not what this is. This is a group of leaders committed to upending all of our institutions. This is a group of leaders who have agreed to seek power above all, while reaping corrupt, unearned, ill-gotten gains. While foisting huge debt on the American public, they preen in the public eye, proud of their fame, proud of their deceit; in their small-souled thinking, they are doing it for the revolution. All while, they are not comprehending the destruction they are foisting on the world of others.


They have contempt for the Constitution any time it constrains them. They willfully change the meaning of clear pronouncements, proclaiming elasticity when it’s needed to forward their ideas.
They censor, and no longer champion free speech. They hide their evil deeds.
They want to disarm law-abiding Americans, while allowing violent criminals to go free to wreak havoc again. They want a defenseless population to rule.
They criminalize people for not agreeing with them. They go after anyone who effectively counters them and are doing so regularly using the Justice Department and the FBI (the new Stasi).
They have, and are, spying on their political opponents with the technology available through the Patriot Act. They do this on a massive scale, to anyone in power who is against their ideas. Even against ordinary citizens who align with the center-right.
They intimidate individuals and groups simply because they outwardly disagree with their policies.
They have instituted Soviet-style show trials to imprison their political opponents and have unleashed the horrid practice of lawfare on the country.
The policies enacted to forward the green new deal are psychotic. The poor have a harder time working out of poverty. The middle class can no longer thrive as easily, while the new class of leftist multi-millionaires and billionaires easily glean even more wealth. The green new deal is designed to neuter and ruin us economically, preventing human achievement they don’t like. It’s all about control.
They have weaponized the bureaucracies, the judicial system, the DOJ, and the FBI against its political enemies. These collude with the big tech companies to slander, defame, and destroy while shielding evil from criticism, turning good into evil, and evil into good.
These add up to one truth: Betrayal. Purposeful betrayal of the ideals of our founding. Purposeful betrayal of the American public. All in the name of social justice and compassion.

I alluded to the fact that the leadership of the Democrat party is doing these things in spite of the Constitution that prevents them. As a famous founder of the Democrats, Andrew Jackson said "John Marshall (Supreme Court Chief Justice) has made his decision; now let him enforce it." It has been this way with these people ever since. They don't care, the just want power. So, if you vote Democrat, why?

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