At Ammoland Alan Gottlieb has an article pointing out the incredible double standard in the media of always refering to any gun use as "gun violence" but reverting to acknowledging that it is the criminal who commits violence with a knife. You can read the article Media's Shocking Double Standard, Where Are Calls to End 'Knife Violence'
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is pointing to media hypocrisy in its reporting of at least ten attacks involving knives or hatchets, most of them fatal, yet there was not a single mention of “knife violence,” indicating an appalling double-standard in how violent crime involving firearms is routinely portrayed, whether by broadcast or print media.
“We checked ten different reports regarding fatal and non-fatal knife attacks, all over the country,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and not a single report included the term ‘knife violence’ anywhere in the text. Yet pick up any newspaper, read any online report involving the criminal use of a firearm, and by the time you’re finished, you will have seen at least one reference to ‘gun violence.’
I can only conclude the media has a deplorable double-standard when it comes to reporting homicides involving guns, yet the victims are just as injured or dead. “Underscoring this nonsense,” he said, “is the way the media is reporting the Department of Health and Human Services’ removal of a former surgeon general’s warning that ‘gun violence’ is a public health hazard. Gun ownership is not a communicable disease. Putting that warning on the HHS website was just one more effort by the Biden administration to demonize firearms and the people who own them.
The fact that the media has universally adopted the gun-grabbers' term for gun use as "gun violence" betrays a general desire of the Left to disarm the American public. They pretend that it is the guns that jump out of peoples' holsters and start shooting innocent victims. But when it comes to knives, or indeed literally any other weapon, suddenly it is the person wielding the weapon. The fact is that there is no such thing as "gun violence." There is just violence, committed by people. And there is generally no solution for violence, though by executing swift justice you may keep it down to a dull roar. Also you can keep it to a minimum by remembering that an armed society is a polite society.
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