How many ways can we point out that gun control doesn't work as advertised
Tom Knighton has a post at Bearing Arms entitled British Teen Getting Gun Shows Gaping Hole in Strict Gun Control System. We can all admit that (formerly) Great Britain has one of the most restrictive gun control systems in the world. And yet, a teenager managed to get around all those laws to obtain a shotgun and kill his family members. He also planned to kill his classmates at school. You can read the quote from the Tottenham and Wood Green Independent for yourself.
This is always the case though. The law-abiding people who want a gun can buy a gun, and indeed likely already have. The law abiding who want a carry permit likely again, already have one. Meanwhile, criminals do not bother to obtain a permit; but they carry anyway pretty much anywhere. You may be disarmed but the criminal never is.
Right now, the North Carolina legislature is on track to approve a version of Constitutional carry in the state. The governor is sure to veto the bill, and the Republican majority no longer has a veto proof majority. While Paul Valone, founder and head of Grass Roots North Carolina is confident enough legislators will override the governor's veto, I have my doubts. They should have done it last year when they had a veto proof majority.
In any case, I was listening to the Democrats' objections, and it seemed to center around the notion that everybody would be carrying (and of course there would be blood in the streets.) But that did not happen in the other 29 states that have passed Constitutional carry. Indeed, there have been no problems that would not have happened anyway because...see two paragraphs above. But one wonders that supposedly smart lawyers seem to think that something written in a book with far too many laws as it is, will somehow prevent someone who isn't supposed to have a gun from acquiring one. But out here in realville it doesn't work that way.
One unfortunate impact of this, beyond the loss of innocent life, is the fact that now the rules will get tightened in England yet again, all while a teenager was able to navigate the system that's already one of the toughest in the world and would likely get past any additional rules, too.
I'm sorry, but this is really just evidence that no matter what you do, some enterprising soul will figure out a way around the system. This time, it was with something as simple as a fake ID. I'm pretty sure that happens here in the United States more often than we'd like to think, too.
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