Thursday, December 9, 2010

The War on Guns: Are ‘guns in bars’ automatically ‘a dangerous combination’?

The War on Guns: Are ‘guns in bars’ automatically ‘a dangerous combination’?

Not if the one who is armed is not drinking.

"Well, what if some yahoo who has been drinking grabs for your gun?"

"And how is said yahoo to know I have it, if it is concealed."

I grow weary. We have to fight the same battles in each and every State. First you have to get enough men and women elected. Then you have to argue each and every one of the same allegations over and over. Nobody seems to be able to look just one State over (Kentucky) to see that is has presented no problems there. It is as if they spoke a different language, or maybe Kentuckians are just made of sterner stuff.


  1. Here in Arizona after it passed there was blood everyw..., I mean there wer wild west shootou... nope a whole lot of nothing bad and a little bit of liberty back. Win Win here.

  2. Jason,

    Good to hear from you. Yeah, here in NC the restraunt carry bill came up, and went down again. We are now surrounded by States that have it, the most recent being Virginia. It will probably come up here again, and we'll hear the same arguements again.

    Best wishes,
