Sunday, December 23, 2018

Making America Moral Again

Unless something comes up between now and the new year,  this will likely be the last post before January 1, 2019.  So, it is fitting then that an important think piece by Selwyn Duke is the article being highlighted today.  The article, at The American Thinker is entitled Restoring Civilization. Duke expends considerable ink debunking the notion that either moral relativism, or more likely, moral nihilism has any relation to true morality at all. Such notions of "morality" have at their heart, the notion that man is indeed the measure of all things, and thus what is moral today can change tomorrow. We have seen this happen with abortion, with transgenderism, with the LBTQxyz movement, and lately with the idea that our rights can be taken away because ...well...the majority thinks so.  Various excuses are offered such as the right not to be offended, or public safety, but in the end these are just fig leafs covering our nakedness.

Duke makes the point that in order to make America great again, we must first invest the time and effort to make America moral again.  Duke gives examples:

Well, imagine the vast majority of the world loved chocolate but hated vanilla. Would this make vanilla “wrong” or “evil”? It’s just a matter of preference, of whatever flavor works for you.

Okay, but is it any more logical saying murder is “bad” or “wrong” if we only do so because the vast majority of the world prefers we not kill others in a manner the vast majority considers “unjust”? If it’s all just consensus “opinion,” it then occupies the same category as flavors: preference.
One can see that if there is no absolute truth, no moral authority beyond ourselves, then even a situation like The Purge would be "moral." The Purge represents people taking revenge for the smallest hurts for which they otherwise can not get "justice." Were you just laid off at the Chevy factory when you neighbor drives up in a brand new BMW. The Purge is your answer.   Come purge night, make the bastard pay for belittling you in the most public way.

Conservatives and libertarians have often written about our decaying morality by talking in humanistic terms about the consequences of one item or another.  Unfortunately, people don't believe them, or else believe that the consequences won't happen to them.  Everyone is afraid to offend their fellow beings by bringing up the "G" word, or worse, the "J" word.  How gauche!

Perhaps we should all talk a little more about God, about sin, about the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, One with God and the Holy Ghost.  From there, we know that murder is a sin.  Abortion is murder.  Theft, robbery, fraud, are all sins.  Bearing false witness is sin.  God created mankind male and female.  Just two genders.  You are what you are, God doesn't make mistakes. And God, or Creator, endowed us with certain inalienable rights, among these being life, liberty, and the ownership of property.

Selwyn Duke is correct, that efforts to make America great must start by making America moral.  Everything else is just putting a band aid on a gaping infected wound. 


  1. Taking a moment before things get all too busy wishing you and your readers a Merry Christmas.

  2. A little late I know, but I also wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, always, and a happy New Year.

