Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Why We Are Losing Our Country

Today over at the American Thinker, Christopher Chantrill offers an explanation for the current gilets jaunes ripping up France at The Harvest of Free Stuff. For those who do not know French (and who really does?) gilets jaunes means yellow vests. So, the Yellow Vests are ripping up Paris, and they have appeared in Canada. Then there is the Brexit mess in the (Formerly) Great Britain, and the increasingly louder shouting going on over the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, as well as the 2018 election results. What to make of all of it.
Look, everything our educated ruling class has forced on us sucks, from bankrupt entitlements to useless education. And it’s all about force. The three-legged stool of ObamaCare illustrates the problem. First, insurers were to be forced to provide coverage for pre-existing conditions; then consumers were to be forced to buy health insurance; then taxpayers and health-insurance consumers were to be forced to subsidize coverage to make it “affordable.” Hey, how about this three-legged stool? Graduates of selective colleges should be forced to work for two years as Walmart checkers, then used-car salesmen, then check-cashing clerks, before they can do a lick of “activism.”

But really, it’s all good. If a real-estate mogul and reality show star can twist the ruling class into pretzels, and the gilets jaunes can bring France to a dead stop in a couple of weeks, then there is something in the air. And the good thing is that our ruling class really does not have a clue what to do except sicc its deep-state thugs on anyone that dares to challenge its high-caste right to rule.
But lookee here people. If you sign up for the ruling class’s free stuff then you are signing up for them to jerk you around. That’s their thing: seducing the innocent and bullying the powerless.
And of course, all this ties in with the current immigration issue as well. Yes, some illegal immigrants come here to work, raise a family, and become part of American life. But more come here for the free stuff. Indeed, free stuff becomes a magnet beckoning people who just want to be taken care of, and care little about freedom and liberty.

As always, please read the whole thing.  Chantrill is an excellent writer and has a keen eye on the culture.

 One has to ask oneself why it is that the conservative message of equal under the law, everyone must work in order to eat, and so on such a hard sell?  It should be painfully obvious to most that human nature is to not do any more than is necessary to satisfy needs.  If you are going to give me free stuff, why should I work?  Interestingly, Dennis Prager has an answer over at Townhall.com entitled  Explaining the Left, Part V: Left vs. Right is Brain vs. Mind. Prager starts out by pointing out what should be obvious, but is not:
With the increasing secularization of society, less and less wisdom has been conveyed to young people. One particularly obvious example is most secular people, especially on the left, believe human beings are basically good. It is difficult to overstate the foolishness of this belief. And a belief it is: There is no evidence to support it, and there is overwhelming evidence -- like virtually all of human history -- to refute it. Jewish and Christian kids who study the Bible know how morally flawed human nature is by the age of 10.

Another thing I tell young people -- which, if they take seriously, will make them immeasurably wiser, finer, happier and more productive -- is life is a daily battle between the brain and the mind. The brain wants an ice cream sundae; the mind knows too many sundaes will make a person overweight and eventually diabetic. Similarly, the brain (especially that of the male) wants sex with anyone it finds attractive; the mind knows the trouble doing so will likely lead to.
Again, please read the whole thing. Taken together, you will come to understand why the wheels are coming off.

Several weeks ago I got into a discussion with a Leftist on the immigration issue.

Leftist: Trump is separating children from their parents and putting them in cages.

Me: Those pictures you see are from 2014, when Trump was not in office.

Leftist: Well, in any case, Trump is separating children from their parents.

Me: We don't know that in all cases the children even belong to the adults. Many children are kidnapped and used by illegal immigrants to gain entry into the US.

Leftist: If you had seen those pictures... You just don't have enough compassion, that's your problem.

Me: If you take the worlds 7 billion people, and subtract the United States, Europe Japan and Australia, you have left maybe 5 billion people, all of whom are poor, beset by disease, hunger, and violence. By your standard, we should have compassion for all these people and therefore, all 5 billion should be here in the US. But with 5 billion, the US would soon become a hellhole like the places they left. I have compassion, but I also know all 5 billion can not come here.

As always, that ended the discussion.

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