Sunday, December 16, 2018

Marines Testify Against ANTIFA

Tom Knighton asks the question:

And the anti-gun Left wonders why we want our Second Amendment rights. I can’t imagine why any of us would want to carry a firearm, can you?>
in a piece at Bearing Arms entitled Marines Attacked By ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists Testify

The Marines testified that they were attacked because they happened to be in the vicinity of an alt-right demonstration, that the ANTIFA were counter protesting.  There were in town in Philadelphia to attend a Marine event that night at a local hotel ballroom.  In the meantime, they were touring historical landmarks.

Go read the whole article, please.

The ANTIFA stands for Anti Fascist but of course, is anything but. It's tactic of using street violence to achieve it's purposes prove it to be as collectivist as the people they allegedly are fighting.  The real argument between these groups is whether we should be a Fascist nation period or we should be a "white" Fascist nation.  And these are the people the Democrats back, and even praise.  These are the "good guys" according to the media.  Nonsense.

How about instead of being any stripe of Fascist, Progressive, Communist or Socialist, we instead return to being a Constitutional Republic with laws that apply to everyone, no matter your political party, no matter your status or wealth.  How about that?  And how about applying the Bill of Rights as originally written and intended.  Want to change the Constitution?  Fine, try amending it.  It has, after all, been done 27 times.  It is a daunting task, but not impossible.   

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